Vampire Rites Trilogy The Saga of Darren Shan
The nightmare continues... Vampire Rites trilogy comprising: Vampire Mountain, Trials of Death and The Vampire Prince. Join Darren Shan's descent into the darkness. VAMPIRE MOUNTAIN Darren Shan and Mr Crepsley embark on a dangerous trek to the very heart of the vampire world. But will a meeting with the Vampire Princes restore Darren's human side, or turn him further towards the darkness? TRIALS OF DEATH The Trials: seventeen ways to die unless the luck of the vampires is with you. Darren Shan must pass five fearsome Trials to prove himself to the vampire clan - or face the stakes in the Hall of Death. THE VAMPIRE PRINCE Can Darren reverse the odds and outwit a Vampire Prince, or is this the end of thousands of years of vampire rule...'

I haven’t read these in y e a r s but man these are fun! Because they’re written for a middle grade audience they’re super quick to read but the plots are still really fun and spooky. It’s also more gory than I remember but this just makes it better to read as an adult really, I had a lot of fun!

Pei Ting@madreads

Daniel Gaimster@danielg

Rochelle Montagne@skitly