Dating Season

Dating Season Bundle 1

They say the best way to get over one man is to get under another one... and another. And another. I'm on the wrong side of my quarter-life crisis. Dead-end job, lease ending, and single af. It's made all the harder by knowing exactly who the perfect man for me is: my super hot, incredibly kind, and extremely taken friend Austin. What's a girl to do but drown her troubles in pinot and let her bestie open her an account on a dating app? Spring is for new beginnings, and Finn's abs are a perfect introduction to dating. Boulder is starting to thaw, seeds are being planted, and I am determined that I will sprout this season too. Starting with one particularly muscular, earnest trainer: First I get to enjoy his rock-hard body. Then he'll help me get one of my own. It'll end with a different kind of rock altogether. All I have to do is become the kind of girl who doesn't mostly just rock paint-stained pajamas. Summer is for throwing caution to the wind, and Dune's a bad boy that lives for danger. Colorado is heating up, much like my newly re-discovered libido, and I'm hoping like hell that my new blind date's hot, too. Fate ( and my bestie) truly deliver a doozy: He rides motorcycles. His tattoos are insanely hot. The mystery of his life is all but unsolvable. This good girl is about to get a little bit bolder in search of truth, justice, and a rebellious phase.
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