Daughter of the Forest
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Daughter of the Forest

Sorcha, the seventh child and only daughter of Lord Colum, faces the difficult task of having to save her family from its enemies, who have bewitched her father and six older brothers while forcing her to choose between the life she has always known and a special love.
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Photo of Mel
Mel @melsbooknook
4 stars
Aug 21, 2024


Photo of Pepper
4 stars
Dec 9, 2023

With themes of family loyalty and love this retelling of a Celtic legend has an engaging narrator and a very heartfelt story that had me surreptiously wiping away my tears.

Photo of Risa C
Risa C@risa
5 stars
Feb 28, 2022

Did I just stay up until 6 a.m. to finish this book, unable to put it down? Did I audibly gasp and cry out and want to physically yeet this book across the room during several parts of the story? Did I resist the burning urge to drink from the well of spoilers because I couldn't take not knowing what would happen? Yes, yes, and yes. There are so many thoughts and feelings flying through my head, most of it incoherent, but I am convinced of one thing: I will always be a ho for fantasy.

Photo of Maria
3 stars
Jan 7, 2022

3.5 звезды на самом деле, это была бы совершенно крутая книга, если бы слов в ней было поменьше. я уже говорила, что с детства с ума схожу по этой истории, когда братьев превратили в лебедей, и сестра молча вяжет им рубашки из крапивы. мы знаем ее как сказку андерсена, но оказывается, это старая кельтская легенда, и марильер пересказала ее очень дотошно и подробно. настолько, что читать устаешь - особенно в начале, когда на протяжении сотни страниц не происходит ничего вообще, они просто живут в своем замке, ходят в лес и разговаривают, очень много разговаривают. хотела даже бросить, но слишком уставшая была, чтобы думать, что читать вместо. если бы не куча лишних эпизодов и диалогов, книга получилась бы динамичнее и уж точно более захватывающая. жаль, что этого не вышло, но рубашки из крапивы все равно форева (хоть они тут и НЕ ИЗ КРАПИВЫ, а из другого растения)

Photo of Becky
5 stars
Jan 6, 2022

I stayed up until 2am to finish this book and it was totally worth it. I may have had a few doubts when I first started with the slow pace but once the story got going I loved it.

Photo of Elizabeth Garza
Elizabeth Garza@pocketedition
5 stars
Dec 31, 2021

I read this book when I was in middle school, and even though I didn't really understand everything then, I know this was an amazing book. I read the other two when I was a few years older, and that really made a big difference. This book started my obsession with the Sevenwaters series, and it is just a great book in general. Definitely recommend if you want to lose your self in an amazing, yet still kind of real, world.

Photo of Judy McClure
Judy McClure@crazee4books
5 stars
Dec 3, 2021

For years I have avoided, skipped, ignored, put off, overlooked, dismissed etc etc Juliet Marillier's books. Don't ask me why. Basically I'm an idiot!!! Oh my but I loved this book!!!! Rich, exciting, emotional, riveting. I could not put it down! This book and this author's writing is everything I love most about Fantasy. Of course now I must have every book she's ever written. Yep, idiot!!!!

Photo of Olivera Mitić
Olivera Mitić@olyschka
5 stars
Nov 24, 2021

Kad vidim šta sve ljudi hajpuju kao vrhunac fantastike i istorijske fikcije, a da ove knjige nema ni na vidiku, prosto mi bude tužno. Meni nije jasno kako ovo nema veću popularnost i kako do sad neko nije došao da ekranizuje na bilo koji način. Jedino što mi pada na pamet da odvraća ljude od ovog romana je činjenica da je u njegovom srcu jedna pre svega ženska priča, pripovedana iz ženskog ugla, o problemima sa kojima su se žene vekovima susretale i sa kojima će se nažalost verovanto još dugo susretati. Međutim, ako mi ta pretpostavka jeste tačna, onda mogu samo da se ljutim što smo i dalje društvo na nivou seksističke amebe. Kako god bilo, SABERITE SE I ČITAJTE OVO JER JE 5 PLUS. Nisam skoro čitala nešto što je toliko temeljno u građenju likova, sveta i istorijske podloge, a da pritom ima fenomenalan stil pisanja i neku toplinu i razumevanje svih lepih i svih ružnih stvari ljudskog roda. Daughter of the Forest je prosto izvanredna knjiga i mislim da mi je podigla lestvicu za sve buduće knjige iz ovog žanra koje su mi na spisku za čitanje. Na sve to još možemo da dodamo i da je odličan fairytale retelling i da bajku koju koristi kao temelj priče toliko lepo inkorporira da iako možda od ranije znate o čemu se radi upijate svaku reč kao da je prvi put doživljavate. Ne znam, nemam dovoljno hvale. Momentalno mi ulazi u favorite, a ubedljivo je i najbolja stvar koju sam čitala ove godine. 👏 Juliet 👏 Marillier 👏 is 👏 a 👏 queen 👏

Photo of Nickie Mohler
Nickie Mohler@hazelreads1
5 stars
Nov 18, 2021

This book is AMAZING! Sorcha is the only girl out of seven. Growing up with six brothers has made her more tomboyish than girly. She loves her life at Sevenwaters. She grows herbs in her garden, and uses them to heal her people. Otherwise, she is with her brothers. They have an unbreakable bond. Her happiness is tested when her father takes a new wife. She is evil, and she seems to have some unnatural hold over Sorcha's father. She doesn't like the children, especially Sorcha. As pranks escalate into danger, the brothers know they have to get Sorcha away from Sevenwaters. They are too late. Attempting to flee, the brothers are cursed by their step-mother. Sorcha is the only one that escapes and, according to the Fair Folk, she is the only one that can break the curse. She has tasks to complete, and she must be silent the whole time. If not, then her brothers will remain cursed forever. I absolutely loved this book. The characters are so believable and I loved them all. I am not a fan of romance, but the romance was done so well that I enjoyed it. This is fantasy at its best and I will definitely continue on with this series.

Photo of Sofia Pereira
Sofia Pereira@literarysoph
5 stars
Nov 15, 2021

A beautiful world, an amazing story, awesome lore

Photo of Dani Mitchell
Dani Mitchell@dani_awesome
5 stars
Sep 4, 2021

The fantasy that this book creates is beyond amazing. It sucks you in and doesn’t spit you out until the last page and you can’t wait to read the next one! For lovers of folklore, fairy tales, adventure, romance and impossible quests. You won’t be disappointed!

Photo of Kaitlin Gates
Kaitlin Gates@kaitlingates
5 stars
Jun 15, 2024
Photo of JM
3 stars
Feb 11, 2023
Photo of Kirsten
5 stars
Feb 7, 2023
Photo of Aubrey Hicks
Aubrey Hicks@aubreyhi
4 stars
Jul 27, 2023
Photo of Petaco
3 stars
Jul 15, 2023
Photo of zaynah
4 stars
Jun 4, 2023
Photo of Nora
Nora @ngoldie
4 stars
Jun 1, 2023
Photo of Joana Sá
Joana Sá @joanasa
5 stars
May 18, 2023
Photo of Khoi K
Khoi K@uplatewithabook
5 stars
May 18, 2023
Photo of Chrystal Giordano
Chrystal Giordano@kika91
5 stars
Mar 26, 2023
Photo of Sujay Kathrotia
Sujay Kathrotia@sujay
3 stars
Mar 20, 2023
Photo of Monica Isabella
Monica Isabella@misabella16
5 stars
Jan 16, 2023
Photo of Rachel Kanyid
Rachel Kanyid@mccallmekanyid
5 stars
Jan 15, 2023