Marriage in the Early Church

Marriage in the Early Church

Hunter's wide variety of Christian texts on marriage and sexuality span the New Testament era through the sixth century and include both Greek and Latin writers: Hermas - Shepherd, Mandate 4 Tertullian - To His Wife; An Exhortation to Chastity Clement of Alexandria - The Instructor, Book 2; Miscellanies, Books 2 & 3, Acts of Thomas Methodius - Symposium, Discourse 2 Lactantius - Divine Institutes, Book 6 John Chrysostom - Homily 20 on Ephesians Pelagius - Letter to the Matron Celantia Augustine - The Good of Marriage; Letter 6 to Atticus Paulinus of Nola - Carmen 25 Ecclesiastical legislation - Canons of the Synod of Elvira Basil of Caesarea - Canonical Letters Two Nuptial Blessings - Verona Sacramentary; Hadrianum
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