The Descent Map from Automorphic Representations of GL(n) to Classical Groups

The Descent Map from Automorphic Representations of GL(n) to Classical Groups

1. Introduction. 1.1. Overview. 1.2. Formulas for the Weil representation. 1.3. The case, where H is unitary and the place v splits in E -- 2. On certain residual representations. 2.1. The groups. 2.2. The Eisenstein series to be considered. 2.3. L-groups and representations related to P[symbol]. 2.4. The residue representation. 2.5. The case of a maximal parabolic subgroup (r = 1). 2.6. A preliminary lemma on Eisenstein series on GL[symbol]. 2.7. Constant terms of E(h, f[symbol]). 2.8. Description of W(M[symbol], D[symbol]). 2.9. Continuation of the proff of Theorem 2.1 -- 3. Coefficients of Gelfand-Graev type, of Fourier-Jacobi type, and descent. 3.1. Gelfand-Graev coefficients. 3.2. Fourier-Jacobi coefficients. 3.3. Nilpotent orbits. 3.4. Global integrals representing L-functions I. 3.5. Global integrals representing L-functions II. 3.6. Definition of the descent. 3.7. Definition of Jacquet modules corresponding to Gelfand-Graev characters. 3.8. Definition of Jacquet modules corresponding to Fourier-Jacobi characters -- 4. Some double coset decompositions. 4.1. The space Q[symbol]. 4.2. A set of representatives for Q[symbol]. 4.3. Stabilizers. 4.4. The set Q\h[symbol] -- 5. Jacquet modules of parabolic inductions : Gelfand-Graev characters. 5.1. The case where K is a field. 5.2. The case K = k[symbol]k -- 6. Jacquet modules of parabolic inductions : Fourier-Jacobi characters. 6.1. The case where K is a field. 6.2. The case K = k[symbol]k -- 7. The tower property. 7.1. A general lemma on "exchanging roots". 7.2. A formula for constant terms of Gelfand-Graev coefficients. 7.3. Global Gelfand-Graev models for cuspidal representations. 7.4. The general case : H is neither split nor quasi-split. 7.5. Global Gelfand-Graev models for the residual representations E[symbol]. 7.6. A formula for constant terms of Fourier-Jacobi coefficients. 7.7. Global Fourier-Jacobi models for cuspidal representations. 7.8. Global Fourier-Jacobi models for the residual representations E[symbol]
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