The Descent Map from Automorphic Representations of GL(n) to Classical Groups

The Descent Map from Automorphic Representations of GL(n) to Classical Groups

This book introduces the method of automorphic descent, providing an explicit inverse map to the (weak) Langlands functorial lift from generic, cuspidal representations on classical groups to general linear groups. The essence of this method is the study of certain Fourier coefficients of the Gelfand–Graev type, or of the Fourier–Jacobi type to certain residual Eisenstein series. An account of this automorphic descent, with complete, detailed proofs, leads to a thorough understanding of important ideas and techniques. The book will be of interest to graduate students and mathematicians, who specialize in automorphic forms and in representation theory of reductive groups over local fields. Relatively self-contained, the content of some of the chapters can serve as topics for graduate students seminars.
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