The Human Termites and the Ambassador from Mars

The Human Termites and the Ambassador from Mars

Armchair Fiction presents classic sci-fi double novels with original illustrations. The first novel is "The Human Termites" by David H. Keller. Hans Souderman was a brilliant scientist who knew the truth: Earth was on the brink of a massive invasion--by termites! Souderman had positive proof that mankind was in danger of extinction. He had studied termites and he now came to America to enlist aid in the battle against them. Unfortunately for humanity, in subterranean lairs, the masters of the termite race had been breeding a mammoth army of giant termites--millions upon millions of them--that was now ready to burst upon the surface and exterminate mankind! David H. Keller was one of the best authors of the pulp era. His imagination led to the creation of some of the most memorable stories of that time. "The Human Termites" is clearly one of his best. The second novel is about the struggles of a doomed planet, "The Ambassador From Mars" by Harl Vincent. Frank Chandler was slowly being overcome by the banality of his life. The young architect's youthful spirit had left him. Life was no longer a joy. Then one New York evening he fell victim to an extraordinary event--with the flick of his cigarette lighter, he found himself kidnapped to Mars! He woke up in a massive spaceship headed for the Red Planet, now in the care of the Neloia, the humanoids that inhabited Mars. Over the next several months, Frank became educated not only to the ways of the Neloia, but also to conditions on Mars itself, which--for the Neloia--were deplorable. Their entire race had been reduced to a fraction of its former size because of constant attacks by the dreaded Breggia, a race of monsters that lived beneath the Martian surface. Even worse, the planet Mars was dying. In a short span of years life would perish. It was up to Chandler to take this desperate message to Earth and negotiate a deal to save the last remnants of the Martian civilization.
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