David Harper
Nature Correcting the Anomaly

Nature Correcting the Anomaly

David Harper2020
Out of desperation, following a tragic loss, a unique engineer with unusual autistic traits is forced out of his lone obsession with Nature, evolution, and life in an attempt to save humanity. He knows and is confident that he can prove that life is programmed to evolve based on generational persistent stress. He is also confident that he can point out the telltale signs of how humanity is slowly changing and will ultimately become something much different. His goal is to somehow figure out a way to get humanity to see this so they can save themselves. To help him, he enlists his friend Jessica and shows her this programming that is within all life. He reveals to her a hidden world within Nature showing her how it truly works.The journey takes them through the birth of humanity at the bottleneck from hominid to human, the origin of empathy in the human race, the cause of the Cambrian explosion, the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, the power of the epigenome, the evolutionary controller inside of us and how giraffes got their long necks, among many other things.Ever since the dawn of the industrial revolution, humans have been altering the planet and the environment more and more to what we see today. For billions of years, life and all life forms existed in a natural equilibrium to now one species dominating every reach of the planet.Yet, to achieve this dominance we have created a world far beyond our original evolutionary adaptation. In other words, we have unknowingly created our own new persistent stresses. Pesticides, food manipulation, air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, work stresses. The list is nearly endless for things now in our environment beyond our original adaptation. Life, as you will learn, is programmed to measure these new stresses and pass this information to future generations. Meaning, as humanity tries to push further and further forward, our biology will ultimately react, respond and physically change itself to resolve these stresses. Follow two engineers as they uncover what is truly happening to the human race and their ultimate attempt to save them.
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