The amazing Spider-Man edge of Spider-Man
Peer over the edge of the Spider-Verse, at five different realities...and five daringly different spiders! Spider-Man Noir returns, as the Peter Parker of the 1930s finds himself up against Mysterio, and knee-deep in the biggest Spider-Man event of all! What is the secret of Dr. Aaron Aikman, the Spider-Man? Who are the villainous Red Eye and Naahmurah...and can Aaron live through Morlun's arrival? In a universe where the story you know becomes as horrific as possible, a radioactive spider bites a high school nerd who is already something of a monster. Then, what or who is the incredible SP//dr? And finally, the breakout character of Spider-Verse makes her exciting debut - in a world where the radioactive spider bit Gwen Stacy!

shelby mosel@shelbymosel
