Course of Destruction

Course of Destruction Social Justice and the End of America

THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS IN CRISIS. The crisis facing our nation is a crisis of faith - faith in the Constitution that has shaped our destiny, faith in individual freedom and accountability, faith in the principle of equality before the law. The root cause of the lawlessness consuming America is the monopoly of the executive power in Washington and in America's urban centers by a party that has fallen under the control of a radical left that believes in breaking the law for "social justice" and puts its faith in the supremacy of the state. This Left describes itself as "progressive," but is inspired by views that are hundreds of years old and have been discredited wherever they have been put into practice. Progressives are focused on "re-imagining" American institutions and principles to conform to an ideological conception of the future which they describe as "equitable" and "socially just." To achieve this future, the left's first goal is to dismantle the constitutional order that has created the prosperity and freedoms that have grown and spread since the American founding. The left views this order as "racist," "oppressive," and in need of a "fundamental transformation."
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