Connecting with the Arcturians 4

Connecting with the Arcturians 4 The Psychology of Planetary Development

During this time of planetary crisis, the Arcturians explore how we starseeds can cope with these dramatic changes, such as updating our immune systems and dealing with electromagnetic energies and energy fields. They offer recommendations and ideas for helping us cope with these overwhelming planetary changes. This book explores the important subject of ascension and the work leading to ascension. The Arcturians present a model based on their observations that precipitating events of ascension occur when the third dimension and fifth dimension intersect. At the time of that intersection, a powerful spiritual energy will download into Earth’s energy field that can uplift those who are at the highest vibrations and prepared for ascension. Another concept introduced in this volume is the idea of holographic healing. In holography, a piece of an object can represent the whole. In this Arcturian theory, a person on Earth is only a part of their whole self. Other parts can include the past self, which is the self in other lifetimes, and the future self, which is the self that will live and evolve in future times. There is also a multidimensional self that exists on this and other dimensions.
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