Reinventing Organization Development

Reinventing Organization Development New Approaches to Change in Organizations

Praise for Reinventing Organization Development "A hard hitting yet hopeful look at a field concerned withrenewal that is in need of renewal itself. This book is full ofintelligent questions, provocative appraisals, and prescriptionsfor action that they serve." -Rosabeth Moss Kanter, chaired professor, Harvard Business School;author, Confidence: How?Winning Streaks and Losing Streaks Beginand End "Wise, invaluable advice that the field and its practitionersshould heed if the field of OD is to take its rightful place as anapplied behavioral science that can make a difference in theeconomic and human affairs of organizations." -Michael Beer, professor emeritus, Harvard Business School;chairman, Center for Organizational Fitness "Few disciplines in decline have subjected themselves to soprofound a self-evaluation. It should lead ?to a rejuvenation ofthe field. Whether or not it does, there is a great deal to learnhere about organizations and relevant professional practice." -Russell Ackoff, professor emeritus, Wharton School, University ofPennsylvania "Two of the leaders of the field of OD have collaborated topresent us with a compelling and controversial state of theart." -Len Schlesinger, vice chairman and chief operating officer,Limited Brands "The book challenges OD consultants to think broadly about theirorganizational roles and to assert their rightful place inorganizations." -Jean M. Bartunek, Robert A. and Evelyn J. Ferris Chair Professorof Organization Studies, Boston College
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