Geometric Invariant Theory

Geometric Invariant Theory

"Geometric Invariant Theory" by Mumford/Fogarty (the firstedition was published in 1965, a second, enlarged editonappeared in 1982) is the standard reference on applicationsof invariant theory to the construction of moduli spaces.This third, revised edition has been long awaited for by themathematical community. It is now appearing in a completelyupdated and enlarged version with an additional chapter onthe moment map by Prof. Frances Kirwan (Oxford) and a fullyupdated bibliography of work in this area.The book deals firstly with actions of algebraic groups onalgebraic varieties, separating orbits by invariants andconstructionquotient spaces; and secondly with applicationsof this theory to the construction of moduli spaces.It is a systematic exposition of the geometric aspects ofthe classical theory of polynomial invariants.
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