The Bitch Left

The Bitch Left

David Simpson2004
This book was written to help you understand that there is hope after a marriage or relationship breaks down. You feel at the end of your world. You cant function properly and day to day living seems pointless. These are some of the emotions that we go through when a loved one leaves us without much warning. It really hurts. I looked everywhere for help or advice but couldn’t find anything to help me. So I decided to put down in writing what happened to me so that you can see that your not on your own and that eventually you will be ok. It takes a long time for some and not so long for others, but don’t worry you will be ok. I have tried to start where all of our emotions for the fairer sex began in the playground!! This look at relationships helps your understand that love is a precious thing but also difficult to hold on to. It has a funny side and a sad side. Hopefully my tale will help you understand that slowly you can get back to normality where ever that is.
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