Armageddon Stones

Armageddon Stones

David Solomon2023
The Armageddon Stones are like an intricately devised jigsaw puzzle or rather collections of such puzzles, in which after the main component pieces have been put together to make a whole picture, there still remain elements unaccounted for which baffle the most ingenious attempts to fit them into a coherent whole. Armageddon conjures mystical images of prophecy, war, and fear. Almost everyone has heard of Armageddon as it is one of the most recognizable place names in all of history, but it is not a city. There is no metropolis there.Legends describe an unusual, destructive band of comet debris that periodically pummels our planet. The periodic fall of cosmic debris must have been an event so overwhelming in extent, so disastrous in its effect on human civilization. It became preserved in the imagery of myth known as the Apocalypse. The ancient story is hammered into cave walls, painstakingly laid out on papyrus, built into stone temples, and even immortalized in stellar mythology. Stories of massive consuming stones of fire and ice are inexorably intertwined with stories of world-ending wars, ancient prophecies of Apocalypse pointing to the final chapter of modern prophecies made by many. Armageddon Stones. With over forty-years of mythological and scientific research, I have come to the disquieting conclusion that ancient and modern prophecies point like the hands of a giant clock. This conclusion, rooted in physical evidence of past catastrophes, with scientific realities, cosmic theories, and ancient prophecies, shows it is decisive and worldwide in its distribution that the possibility of cometary or asteroid impact cannot be ignored. The Apocalypse stands waiting to be solved as the prophecy truly is; the periodic return of the celestial-serpent-dragon-comet-Armageddon Stones. The Armageddon Stones hint that two stellar locations, Leo and Orion, are the entry points for the Armageddon Stones army to bring a recurring world-destroying rain of ice, fire, and stone. It is not a matter if the Armageddon Stones will strike; it is a matter of when.
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