Life with a Limp

Life with a Limp Walking and Growing Through Suffering

David Stevens2021
Everybody walks with a limp. From cradle to casket, life is filled with physical, mental, and emotional pain. Some may hide their limp better than others. Nevertheless, the limp is there. Suffering is no respecter of persons. While suffering afflicts our bodies and emotions, the problem of suffering afflicts the mind. When confronted by tragedy, one may ask: How can I survive this pain? But eventually, the more philosophical questions occupy the mind: Why did God let this happen? or How can I trust a God who would let my child die? In Life with a Limp, David Stevens provides a robust, biblical reflection on these and other questions such as: - How do I handle my grief? - What is the role of suffering in the Christian life? - How do I reconcile my suffering with belief in an all-good God? - Do all things really work together for good for those who love God? This book is for "limpers" by one who limps. Throughout, the author shares his story of limping through doubt, loss, and grief following the death of his firstborn son. But more importantly, he explores how our limp in life can help us grow more in love with our suffering Savior.
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