Get Your Shit Together

Get Your Shit Together What every man must understand BEFORE even ATTEMPTING to attract women.

David Tee2014
Average or below-average dating life? It's time to change that. NOW it’s time for YOU to learn and ADOPT the mindset of “the natural”.This is THE shortcut that lets you avoid YEARS of struggling with this area of your life so that you can become the type of guy women NATURALLY want to spend time with.This is THE action plan for men who want to see a massive improvement in their dating lives QUICKLY. It’s NOT about “How to bang as many girls as possible”. The contents of this book are far more important and life-changing than that. Mainstream dating advice is generic and doesn’t address oreven acknowledge the core underlying issues which cause men to struggle to attract women or even hold their attention or interest for more than a couple of minutes. And the end of the day, if you don’t see yourself as somebody who deserves to have beautiful, strong, intelligent, independent, sexy women in his life, then it won’t happen.David T., author Some men resort to using “pickup artist” tricks to fool women into believing that they are attractive, when deep down they know that the only reason they are using “game” techniques is because they don’t feel like they’re enough of a man to attract women naturally. They get occasional results, but ultimately remain unfulfilled. Why waste years in the gym or trying to get rich to impress girls, or spending countless hours learning bout “pickup artist” tricks and practising your “game”, when you can just read this book and get on with your life?David T., author This book explains the EXACT STEPS TO TAKE and the MINDSET that will allow you to stand out above the VAST MAJORITY of men. Most men do not understand what makes women attracted and make the SAME MISTAKES AGAIN AND AGAIN, finding themselves dealing with rejections time and time again. So what DOES make a woman feel attracted to a man? It’s not about looks, money, your height, your skin colour, your income level, or the car you drive. IT’S ABOUT HOW YOU SEE YOURSELF. All but the most superficial women don’t mind if you’re “flawed” in some way. The key is to become a man who is comfortable in his own skin despite what you might think is unattractive about yourself. It’s when a woman can see that you’re good at expressing your authentic self, and that your authentic self is a guy who knows he is enough, that she can decide that she’s into you. You don’t need to buy her drinks and flowers, do her favours, be a “nice guy” or pretend to be a “bad boy” to win her affection. You just need to become a man who is perfectly at ease with himself and knows that any challenges life throws at him won’t throw HIM off his path in life. This book will teach you how to adopt this mindset. If right now you believe that you are deserving of anything less than the highest quality women who YOU find attractive, then YOU NEED THIS BOOK.Do you want THE SOLUTION, or do you have MORE EXCUSES to not tackle this area of your life once and for all? DO NOT download this book if you’re not prepared to have your entire mindset challenged with regards to meeting and attracting women. This is NOT a long book. Because the concepts in it are not complex and don’t require going into excessive detail. You’ll be delighted at how quickly you can internalize the mindset explain within, and apply it to your life. THE SOLUTION STARTS WITH YOU. Delve deeply into the 3 CORE PRINCIPLES a man must internalise in order to become successful in this area of life.Learn how to BECOME A MAN WHO IS COMFORTABLE IN HIS OWN SKIN, able to EXPRESS YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF WITHOUT FEAR OF REJECTION.Trying to attract and create deep connections with women will ALWAYS be a HUGE CHALLENGE without a solid grasp of these principles.Contains the CLEAR AND SOLID ACTION PLAN to guide you through the process of becoming the man who DESERVES and NATURALLY ATTRACTS the type of women he desires.This is THE SOLUTION for men who have tried “pickup” methods and still suffer the painful symptoms of APPROACH ANXIETY, FEAR OF REJECTION, and DISAPPOINTMENT at the results of using outdated “PUA” strategies in their efforts to meet and attract women. Your days of having to memorize “game” routines and strategies are over.
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