Day Four
The trip of their dreams becomes the holiday of their nightmares: DAY FOUR is Sarah Lotz's extraordinary, unmissable follow-up to the book that made headlines around the world, THE THREE - perfect for fans of The Shining Girls, The Passage and Lost. Four days into a five day singles cruise on the Gulf of Mexico, the ageing ship Beautiful Dreamer stops dead in the water. With no electricity and no cellular signals, the passengers and crew have no way to call for help. But everyone is certain that rescue teams will come looking for them soon. All they have to do is wait. That is, until the toilets stop working and the food begins to run out. When the body of a woman is discovered in her cabin the passengers start to panic. There's a murderer on board the Beautiful Dreamer... and maybe something worse.

Carolina Poças@carolinapocas
3,5 O final deste livro é complemente mind fuck!!!! Este livro e "Os três" tem dos melhores finais que já li! Para quem gosta de finais surpreendentes e que tem deixam a pensar recomendo IMENSO!

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Tanya Sutton@mrsreads

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