
I loved this book just as much as the first. Shaun and his newsteam are diving further into the conspiracy from the first book. They know that one person couldn't have been behind all of it, and they want to find out the truth. When Kelly a doctor from t he CDC fakes her own death and arrives on Shauns doorstep she brings with her a complete shit storm.. Shaun, Kelly and his team have to run.. While researching the story, they realize the conspiracy is much deeper than they thought and people they had, while not completly trusted, had helped them in the past are involved in what happened to George in the first book. The last 2 chapters of this book had a jaw dropping, wtf, reveal and left me with the desire to scream.. (it was good lol) I cant wait to read the next book!!!

Oh, thisbwas great!.. not quite sure about this ending though 🙈

I honestly don't know if I love or dislike the ending. Somewhere close to the end I was starting to think that it was becoming a bit too much and then I read the ending, wich gave us even more to deal with... and I know that I don't hate it, I just really don't know what to make of it. All I know is that I'm goint to have to pick up Blackout (the third and finale book) almost imidiatly.

I really enjoyed it. Nice continuation of the last book. That said, the constant talking to George was not so enjoyable. I get that it's an easy way to do a lot of the information sharing with the audience, but I found it annoying. Otherwise, I really enjoy the story and the world. Looking forward to more of the series.