Deaf Republic Poems

I'll admit, I doubted how good this was going to be - I'm not a huge fan of contemporary poetry - but Deaf Republic was so completely beautiful. I was thoroughly entranced, even after a third read-through. The premise: intriguing; the execution: enchanting.

echoes of attic tragedy.

** spoiler alert ** could not stop reading it the moment i started. ilya kaminsky, you genius. craft ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ plot ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ well-written poems that craft a great story, evaluative of society & people’s complacency driven by (understandable, almost relatable) fear amidst injustice cannot stop thinking about it after reading it. in what ways have we turned (symbolically) deaf amidst a political backdrop like this, and in what instances have we continued to watch—just watch, silently—as lives were taken and dragged across the snow? kaminsky’s work had a chilling symbolism and was representative of war history. the innocent child shot leading to townspeople turning deaf, having “puppet shows” — our country is on stage, death and violation of women & their bodies. i could not help but think of colonial history in the philippines. “Our country has surrendered. / Years later, some will say none of this happened; the shops were open, we were happy and went to see puppet shows in the park. / And yet, on some nights, townspeople dim the lights and teach their children to sign. Our country is the stage: when patrols march, we sit on our hands. Don’t be afraid, a child signs to a tree, a door. / When patrols march, the avenues empty. Air empties, but for the squeaks of strings and the tap tap of wooden fists against the walls.”

This was easily one of the best books I’ve read in a long time.

timely and heartbreaking

Ilya Kaminsky is a truly amazing poet.

This is one of the most unique poetry collections I’ve read. Really incredible story.

3.5 stars



"At the trial of God, we will ask: why did you allow all this?
And the answer will be an echo: why did you allow all this?"
-a city like a guillotine shivers on its way to the neck

ON SILENCE: The deaf don’t believe in silence. Silence is the invention of the hearing.

I have to screw on the expression of a person
though I am at most an animal
and the animal I am spirals

We must speak not only of great devastation—

In so much sunlight—
each of us
is a witness stand:
They take Alfonso
and no one stands up. Our silence stands up for us.
-"The Townspeople Watch Them Take Alfonso"

and pretend to Sonya that I am the greatest poet
and she pretends to be alive—
-"To Live"

The arrested are made to walk with their arms raised up. As if they are about to leave the earth and are trying out the wind.
-"Central Square"

Soaping together
is sacred to us.
Washing each other’s shoulders.
You can fuck
anyone—but with whom can you sit
in water?
-"While the Child Sleeps, Sonya Undresses"

such is the silence
of a woman who speaks against silence, knowing
silence moves us to speak.
-"While the Child Sleeps, Sonya Undresses"

It has begun: I see the blue canary of my country
pick breadcrumbs from each citizen’s eyes—
pick breadcrumbs from my neighbors’ hair—
-"4 a.m. Bombardment"

On earth
a man cannot flip a finger at the sky
because each man is already
a finger flipped at the sky.
-"Soldiers Aim at Us"

Our hearing doesn’t weaken, but something silent in us strengthens.
-"Deafness, an Insurgency, Begins"

You are alive, I whisper to myself, therefore something in you listens.
-"Alfonso, in Snow"