
Intense Quite the book. Love the short chapters. Really went into it. The only challenge I had was going into a new chapter, I felt the scene had changed completely except for the last parts.

The book wasn't what I thought it would be, and it was rather short but I'm assuming that is because it is part of a series. It overall well written and wrapped up nicely.

4 stars I have seen the name Dean Koontz everywhere, and now I see why the author is so popular. With only 60 pages in, I was invested in the villain and the anti-hero. The world building was quick but didn't feel rushed. I am totally going to read more of this series, and possibly other works by Koontz. Highly recommend if you need a short story fix.

I’ve never read one of deans books before but this was dark. It wasn’t even a very big book, but in so few pages so much happened. I don’t think I will continue with these because they are just not for me. I honestly did good to finish this one.

Audible gave out an audiobook of the entire series on one book. I found this one to be pretty boring. Koontz’s description is better than I recall, while the premise is a bit interesting, it’s certainly nothing new. Kind of reminds me of the movie Next, with Cage. An amnesiac has some measure of clairvoyance and there’s some corrupt cops that get entangled with his storyline. I’ll keep going because the entire thing is not long at all, but we will see how I get. If it weren’t free I’d definitely be out.

Very good, fit in a whole lotta backstory, character differentiation and plot into only 62 pages. I will definitely continue with this series.