
Geoffrey Froggatt@geofroggatt
The apocalypse came and the world burned. But it wasn't the end, and out of the destruction, new life has emerged. Bec is back to face the Demonata. After centuries of imprisonment, she's more powerful than ever, but the demons no longer stand alone. Something else has crawled out of the darkness with her. Lord Loss is no longer humanity's greatest threat. I loved that this book was told from Bec’s perspective and deepened her character in the modern world. The lore and world-building expanded in ways that raised the already high stakes. The reveal of the new character that gained sentience was terrifying to think about. All the character deaths in this book were brutal.

Amna A.@crayoladagger

Daniel Gynn@danielgynn

Jerald Lim@jerald

Daniel Gaimster@danielg

Tatiana Alvarez @heartoftati

Logan Schenk@mochipandabear

Elissa Young@elly_young

Aida Hasani@aidahasani

Rochelle Montagne@skitly

Vin @bookcadaver