Deep Work

Deep Work Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World

Cal Newport2016
One of the most valuable skills in our economy is becoming increasingly rare. If you master this skill, you'll achieve extraordinary results. Deep work is the ability to focus without distraction on a cognitively demanding task. It's a skill that allows you to quickly master complicated information and produce better results in less time. Deep work will make you better at what you do and provide the sense of true fulfillment that comes from craftsmanship. In short, deep work is like a super power in our increasingly competitive twenty-first century economy. And yet, most people have lost the ability to go deep-spending their days instead in a frantic blur of e-mail and social media, not even realizing there's a better way. In DEEP WORK, author and professor Cal Newport flips the narrative on impact in a connected age. Instead of arguing distraction is bad, he instead celebrates the power of its opposite. Dividing this book into two parts, he first makes the case that in almost any profession, cultivating a deep work ethic will produce massive benefits. He then presents a rigorous training regimen, presented as a series of four "rules," for transforming your mind and habits to support this skill. A mix of cultural criticism and actionable advice, DEEP WORK takes the reader on a journey through memorable stories-from Carl Jung building a stone tower in the woods to focus his mind, to a social media pioneer buying a round-trip business class ticket to Tokyo to write a book free from distraction in the air-and no-nonsense advice, such as the claim that most serious professionals should quit social media and that you should practice being bored. DEEP WORK is an indispensable guide to anyone seeking focused success in a distracted world.
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Timeo Williams@timeowilliams
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Photo of Jahir Fiquitiva
Jahir Fiquitiva@jahirfiquitiva
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John Manoogian III@jm3
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Photo of JoAnna
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Photo of Christoph Rauscher
Christoph Rauscher@christowski
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Jan 14, 2024
Photo of Ann Gabrielle
Ann Gabrielle@anngabr
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Jaiden Ratti@jaiden
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Jeff Kelly@cheibriados
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Rohit Arondekar@rohitarondekar
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Mustafa Hussain@mhussain
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Ayesha @lifeofaye1
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Doug Lane@douglane
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heleen de boever@hlndb
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Okan Davut@okandavut
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Bouke van der Bijl@bouk
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Christina Farkona@nanafark
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Photo of Cristi Marian
Cristi Marian@cristi-books
Photo of Jahir Fiquitiva
Jahir Fiquitiva@jahirfiquitiva
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Marián Blaha@blahamari
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Christina Farkona@nanafark
Photo of Christina Farkona
Christina Farkona@nanafark
Photo of Christina Farkona
Christina Farkona@nanafark
Photo of Christina Farkona
Christina Farkona@nanafark
Photo of Christina Farkona
Christina Farkona@nanafark
Photo of Christina Farkona
Christina Farkona@nanafark
Photo of Christina Farkona
Christina Farkona@nanafark
Photo of Christina Farkona
Christina Farkona@nanafark
Photo of Christina Farkona
Christina Farkona@nanafark
Photo of Anton Stallbörger
Anton Stallbörger@stallboerger
Photo of Carla Schwarze
Carla Schwarze@carlaschwarze
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Carla Schwarze@carlaschwarze
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Photo of Carla Schwarze
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Photo of Carla Schwarze
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Photo of Carla Schwarze
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Nikita Pashinsky@nikita
Photo of Nikita Pashinsky
Nikita Pashinsky@nikita