

I'm kind of upset this book wasn't a hit for me, if I'm being honest. I love Pam Godwin's writing style and previous books I've picked up by her I liked! Dirty Ties was an excellent book and I really enjoyed it! But this one? It just didn't vibe with me at all. I struggled to get through it and the R rated, difficult topics were far too much for me. Rape, and kidnapping and lots of forced play even in an erotica setting... it was too much. I've read books with these topics before, but maybe with all of the COVID stuff going on it was just too much for me? I am very much in a HEA, all good things must be shiny sort of mood. That being said, this book is really good if you like this type of erotica! For some reason, this book just isn't for me and I can accept that as a reader. I did manage to finish it, even though it was a very tough read. I didn't want to DNF it without giving it a fair chance. The last little bit of the book was really good and I enjoyed myself at that point, but the first 50-75% was way too much for me. It wasn't as romantic as I thought it was going to be, if I'm being honest. Overall, not or me. Pam is an excellent writer and I can see why so many people love it. I think I may have to take some time out from dark romances until the pandemic is over. Two out of five stars.

There are so many things to unpack here and no I have not let Van off the hook they had so many moments together for him to show that he wasn't just a rapey douche. So that last-minute death talk was what exactly? What did it accomplish? Certainly didn't phase me. Plus her hair was in the mannequin what a creepy way to avenge Liv's mother's death and make up for the wrong he has done. I don't like Josh either or I suppose I just don't like religion being brought up if you're going to be disrespectful.

Well I did not expect that gut punch but I loved it. Josh and Liv are going to live rent free in my head for a very, very long time.

Reread 5/23: I love Josh😭 he's so precious🥺 I just love that he can be the sub most of the time

I received an ebook from the author and I voluntarily reviewed it. Thank you Pam Godwin! What a dark and heart-wrenching book. Pam Godwin is sublime in submerging us into the psyche of a sex slave and sex trainer. At times it was hard to read, because it was simply REAL. There were no frills, it was the story in its simplest form. With saying that, Godwin does tease us with her fleeting silver lining. She sometimes lets her characters slip their masks, show us their true colors, and for those blissful few moments we experience a foreign feeling - hope. The ephemeral concept of hope reappears in many places in the story, and it is what keeps us, the reader, going. Godwin created complex, three-dimensional characters that in spite of ourselves, we get attached to. We see the goodness in them. Or at least, we hope that there is goodness in them. What a killer start to this series!