Delta-v tells the story of a group of commercial space pioneers on a multi-year expedition to lift humanity from an Earth-bound species to a space-faring one. Much like the private explorers of earlier centuries whose voyages were financed by investors, these new adventurers gravitate toward risk - ex-soldiers, former astronauts, cavers, salvage divers, base jumpers, and mountain climbers. As the second Age of Exploration begins, they intend to alter the trajectory of human civilization - or die trying.
Apiecalypse Jen@chippedfang
Cindy Lieberman@chicindy
Bradford Fults@h3h
Erlank Pienaar@erlank
Bryan Alexander@bryanalexander
Brandon Lee@sangsara
Malcolm Fell@emarref
Leon Beckert@leonbeckert
Stefan Ladstätter-Thaa@stefan786
Martin Weitzel@mweitzel
Sean Leach@kickdaddy
Patrick Toomey@ptoomey3
Simon Mathieu@smathieu
Nicholas Christowitz@wideopenspace
Kilian Rüth@kalle
ANDREW BRYK@andrewbryk
Bastian Allgeier@bastianallgeier
Cameron Booth@cdb
Liv Rockwell@lvrock13
Aaron Chan@aaron1