Design and Make It!

Design and Make It! Food and Textiles

Each project will take 10-12 one-hour lessons, plus homework time. Pupils are given one or more of 8-10 sequential project sheets at one of two levels, appropriate to their ability/level targets. (See sample)Each sheet provides stimulus material and clear prompts for the pupils. These are organised under headings which correspond to the Attainment Target. (See sample)Corresponding template sheets, on which pupils can write and draw, have checklist prompts to help with gathering evidence to support the assessment. On Target: D&T can be used at the same time to help achieve a higher level. (See sample)At the end of the project, the teacher can use the assessment checklist grid to make an overall 'best fit' judgement which can be justified with reference to evidence from specific project sheets. (See sample)
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