Designing with the Mind in Mind Simple Guide to Understanding User Interface Design Rules
Early user interface (UI) practitioners were trained in cognitive psychology, from which UI design rules were based. But as the field evolves, designers enter the field from many disciplines. Practitioners today have enough experience in UI design that they have been exposed to design rules, but it is essential that they understand the psychology behind the rules in order to effectively apply them. In Designing with the Mind in Mind, Jeff Johnson, author of the best selling GUI Bloopers, provides designers with just enough background in perceptual and cognitive psychology that UI design guidelines make intuitive sense rather than being just a list of rules to follow. The first practical, all-in-one source for practitioners on user interface design rules and why, when and how to apply them Provides just enough background into the reasoning behind interface design rules that practitioners can make informed decisions in every project Gives practitioners the insight they need to make educated design decisions when confronted with tradeoffs, including competing design rules, time constrictions, or limited resources

Irene Alegre@irenealegre
Great book on human behaviour and how to design accordingly. Borrowed from library but might purchase in the future for reference. Yes, examples might be dated, but us human beings take much longer than technology to change, so most of the behaviours it describes are still valid.


Oleg Stirbu@oleg

Felix Jamestin@felixjamestin


Lupas Alexandru@lupas


Joshua Line@fictionjunky

Christian Beck@cmbeck

Victoria Simansjah@vicky