C. F., David Shultz, Devin Dingler, Simeon Todorov, Laura Nettles, Jessica Rust, C. Dark, W. Black, Juliana Brudny, Quinlan Moss
A One-Shot Anthology of Speculative Fiction

Mutation A One-Shot Anthology of Speculative Fiction

Mutation is the fifth of our "one-shot" anthologies, following Colony, Sanctuary, Nourishment, and Outsiders. Each title is the product of an intense, one-day period of writing and editing by a team of authors currently residing (mostly) in Toronto. Mutation has thirty original stories and 72,000 words of fiction--all of them written and edited in a 24-hour period. The one-shot anthology is radically different from most fiction anthologies, which typically take around a year to produce. At 24 hours, we are working over 300x faster to get to the finished product. The stories born in such extreme conditions might be expected to diverge from the norm, and are perhaps best viewed as specimens to examine--literary mutations. Like the extremophiles that live in deep sea hydrothermal vents, or thermus aquaticus, which thrives in the 70-degree Celsius waters at Yellowstone National Park, the stories in Mutation emerge from extreme writing environments. What kind of creations thrive? How is their literary DNA altered? There is only one way to find out. I hope you have fun discovering weirdness and wonders, deformities and delights, in Mutation! Contents: Bruce Devin Dingler Mutation Station Four Simeon Todorov The Life of a Mutant Cell Jessica K. Rust The Three Prophecies of Fort Saint Cuthbert Annelise Knoot Way of Nature Shannon Frances Smith Brian Benjamin Eng Consequence of a Cause Chris Donald Griffin Man of the Mountain Lewis Aldanis GMO Humans Rahul Bhagat A Guide To Monetizing Your Mutation W.G. Black Insertion Point Echo Don Miasek Once Into a Star Arcalaye Feathers The Mercurial Luke Mellor Mining Malignance Justin Dill Cyanin Emil Pellim The Factory Juliana Brudny The Luckiest Boy in the World Tommy Blanchard A Mutation of Thrushes Andy Dibble Silver and Clay Xavier Arcamo Melanocortin-1 Receptor Melissa Terry The Horns of a Dilemma Quinlan Moss Hobo Code Mitchell Harris Teenage Wasteland Rio Monstrous Pastime and Experiments Philippe Etiemble Twisted Recovery Laura Nettles Bits and Pieces Jennifer Davis Toe Jam C.L.F I Shall Not Worship the Toxin God Bavid Boster Ballace The Most Effective Bullet Martin Munks Starship Psyche David F. Shultz
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