Commercial Beekeeping

Commercial Beekeeping

Dharm Singh2020
Honeybees are an amazing insects on earth which pollinate over 80% of all flowering plants including 70 of the top 100 human food crops. One third of total diet is directly or indirectly dependent on honeybee pollinated plants. It reflect that without bees people could struggle to sustain the global human population of 9 billion by 2050. Presently, we are losing bees world-over at an alarming rate. If honeybee disappears from surface of the earth, we may loss all plants that bees pollinates, all of the animals that eat those plants and ultimately man would have no more than four years to live. Therefore, it is an urgent need to love these valuable mini-creatures, raise voice everywhere to protect them and enhance their population through beekeeping. Beekeeping is widely recognized economically sustainable occupation which offer an attractive avenues for livelihood, employment generation, holistic development of rural societies and survival of human through ensured food security. This book deals different issues of commercial beekeeping and provide scientific, authentic and very useful information on various aspects. The subject matter is presented in a comprehensive & lucid style which make this book very useful. Moreover, international demand, import-export, market-outlook, producers & suppliers of value-added bee-hive products, role of different agencies in beekeeping development and model project reports appended add great values. This book, thus, has enormous scope and opportunities to address food & health security problems, upliftment of Farm-output, promotion of food industries and employment generation. This manuscript will also be more useful to assist Agri-business Planners, policy makers, Researchers, industrialists, teachers, students & farmers world-over who are interested in beekeeping-based commercial enterprises for their livelihood and income generation.
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