Dialogue on Awakening

Dialogue on Awakening Communion with a Loving Brother

"Beyond the boundaries of any religious beliefs, the great teacher once known as Jesus reaches out to mankind through mental communion with Tom Carpenter. In Dialogue, he answers questions about the nature of our physical life, but also describes how to awaken to our true reality as infinite and loving as his own. As the Christ, he shares how he awakened to this truth which is our reality as well as that of all of creation. In these dialogues, he speaks to us as a loving brother, helping us to see how we ourselves have made and experience a world of pain and suffering which is neither God's Will nor of His Creation. Through the information given in this book, we more clearly see a different way of living and from this understanding lies the way to experience greater peace, love and joy available to us now. Many readers have felt that the information contained in these pages has significantly improved their lives with the great freedom of the truth it offers."
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