The Nursing Profession

The Nursing Profession Development, Challenges, and Opportunities

The Nursing Profession: Development, Challenges, andOpportunities is designed to be a resource for those who areinterested in or touched by nursing. This book is designed in partto complement the report by the Institute of Medicine on the futureof nursing. Readers—whether researchers or practitioners,foundation or government officials, students, or simply lay peopleinterested in nursing—should use this volume to gain a betterunderstanding of the nursing profession and the issues with whichthose in the field and related fields are grappling. Major topicsinclude: The history of nursing The nursing profession Current issues and challenges, including the nursing shortage,educating and training nurses, utilizing advanced practice nursesto their fullest, quality and cost, long-term care, community-basedcare, gender and power, and new areas for nursing A vision for the future The book begins with a comprehensive review of the nursing fieldby Diana Mason, the Rudin Professor of Nursing at theHunter-Bellevue School of Nursing, City University of New York, andformer Editor-in-Chief of the American Journal of Nursing.Mason’s chapter is followed by reprints of twenty-five of themost influential or significant articles on nursing—some ofthem classic pieces dating back to Florence Nightingale, otherspresenting more current thinking on critical issues. This kind ofsource material is rarely found in one place.
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