Jonathan Jones, Gerald Murnane, Megan Cope, Brian Fuata, Rafael Bonachela, Saskia Havekes, Tom van Dooren, Latai Taumoepeau, Khaled Sabsabi, nova Milne, Tracey Moffatt, Ian Milliss, Julia Jacklin, Janet Laurence, Amrita Hepi, Dale Harding, Lauren Brincat
Do It (australia)

Do It (australia)

do it (australia) is a continuation of curator Hans Ulrich Obrist's initiative do it, the longest-running artist-led project in the world. During a time of international lockdowns precipitated by COVID-19, Kaldor Public Art Projects commissioned 18 Australian artists to write simple instructions for audiences to follow at home. Each instruction can be used to generate an artwork, whether an object, a performance, or something else entirely. The do it (australia) publication is a do-it-yourself "instruction manual" containing all commissioned instructions alongside essays and artist interviews.
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