Moving on

Moving on The Gypsies and Travellers of Britain

Gypsies arouse strong passions, but there is growing interest in who they are, where they come from and how they have survived centuries of discrimination. This is the only general introduction to the struggle of Gypsies to survive as a people in Britain today. The illustrations show the reality of life now that caravans have replaced bender tents and vardoes (horse drawn caravans). Gypsies are often 'moved on' by the police but a new generation hopes for a better future. The title of the book is taken from a poem by a Gypsy girl studying for a law degree. A profile of the Gypsy community, their origin, how they work and where they live, including refugees from eastern Europe and the Balkans, is followed by chapters on the Kale of Wales (who spoke pure Romani until recently), the Nawkens of Scotland and, more controversially, New (Age) Travellers.
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