The Secret History

The Secret History

Donna Tartt2004
Richard Papen had never been to New England before his nineteenth year. Then he arrived at Hampden College and quickly became seduced by the sweet, dark rhythms of campus life – in particular by an elite group of five students, Greek scholars, worldly, self-assured, and at first glance, highly unapproachable.
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Photo of lindura
5 stars
Mar 17, 2025

I was hooked upon first read, it took me about a week to finish. I would definitely read again, the suspense was exhilarating. The ending sucked but made the most sense. such complex characters, you don’t know if it’s even possible to love them or hate them.

Photo of Alyssa Loxart
Alyssa Loxart@alyssaloxart
5 stars
Mar 11, 2025

This has been a top favorite since reading it. I will spend forever trying to get my bff to read it, too.

Photo of Miles
5 stars
Mar 10, 2025

im ugly crying

Photo of m.
5 stars
Mar 9, 2025

this was such a ride and i regret none of it.

Photo of el
4 stars
Feb 28, 2025

Loved the writing

Photo of Angie
4.5 stars
Feb 10, 2025

The book finished me….

Photo of Grace Stanger
Grace Stanger@g_stang
3 stars
Jan 30, 2025

I’ve got to lay my cards on the table here: I did not like this book. I tried so hard to, and I really wanted to, but it fell short for me. This is odd; I love everything that it represents- the murder, the references to Greek and Latin (I’m a sucker for anything revolving around Latin) but I just found this to be, well… dry. It’s so boring. The pace is so painfully slow. Not to mention the fact that I hated every single one of the characters, which, yes, I get that that’s the point, but come on Donna, at least make the plot interesting if you can’t invest in the characters! So anyway, I’m a Secret History hater. It’s a beautifully written book, but it wasn’t my cup of tea. Maybe I’ll try again in a couple of years.

Photo of sam
3 stars
Jan 30, 2025

what the hell

Photo of Paige Paul
Paige Paul@ppaul13
2 stars
Jan 18, 2025

The story seemed to drag a lot of the time - it felt odd that the climax scene happened and there was still almost a full other book after that. It took a long time to get into the story as there was entirely too much Greek specific talk and all of the characters were unlikeable yet also underdeveloped.

Photo of Olivia
5 stars
Jan 17, 2025

i loved it. i think it’s really good but it’s quite a long book. i would totally recommend this.

Photo of JT
5 stars
Jan 14, 2025

To say I'm impressed would be a terrible understatement. This is the best book I've read yet. It's so well written, deep and complex. I still have no idea what actually happened during the bacchanal or which characters I should and shouldn't like. I have to say that i was obsessed with Henry for most of the story but now i don't know how i feel about him. The real story is in-between the lines. I love how each character has a purpose and their own story. Additionally, I loved the fact that Richard is an unreliable narrator, it made the story much more interesting. As the story progressed, the line between Richard's and my own feelings started to blur. In the end I didn't know whether it was him or I who romanticised the characters. It's so layered and it is my opinion that you can't understand the essence of it after the first reading. I am definitely going to re-read this book because it was that good. Needless to say it's the epitome of dark academia and if you know me, you know i love dark academia. 10/10 donna tartt, the woman you are

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Photo of Luoyi
4 stars
Jan 1, 2025

i did not expect that as an ending wtf. the characters in this book are so complex and i think that’s why i enjoyed reading it. lowkey reminded me of salt burn in the beginning. i need to watch a video analysis ASAP.

Photo of Santiago Alejandro Crime
Santiago Alejandro Crime@sacrime
4.5 stars
Dec 29, 2024


Photo of Kai
5 stars
Dec 22, 2024

I really wanted to read this by relating on a personal level but failed because what the fuck

Photo of Isabelle
3 stars
Dec 21, 2024

While Donna Tartt has an impeccable style of writing, I personally don't think the book is as good as some people make it out to be.

Yes, The Secret History has some beautiful psychological layers, well thought out characters, and a special sort of tension in the story, but I think some parts were unnecessarily prosy which made it a much less enjoyable read for me than I had originally expected.

Photo of carlota
5 stars
Dec 19, 2024

read this about three years ago and have literally not touched it since then in hopes my memory will cleanse the last trace of this so i can experience it freshly all over again, but i've scarcely been able to forget anything about it. scratched into my brain forever and ever. great novel for readers who want to start reading literary fiction.

Photo of Annie Millman
Annie Millman@anniemillman
4 stars
Dec 11, 2024

this would make suuuuuch a good TV show.

Herd mentality depicted in a believable way. Just like Richard, I am left with so many unanswered questions about Henry.

Overall - very entertaining.

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Photo of Brynn Sklar
Brynn Sklar@brynnhiilde
5 stars
Dec 1, 2024

Read this at a good friend’s recommendation and really enjoyed it. The characters are unlike anyone I’ve read before, but somehow still believable. Kinda makes me want to get into Greek classics..

Photo of Cici Pearson
Cici Pearson@cocoisabird
4.5 stars
Oct 15, 2024

that was a god damn TRIP. would read again wow.

Photo of Jess Z
Jess Z@jessreading
4 stars
Oct 12, 2024

dark academia / fall vibes

Photo of alice l
alice l@atinyfrogo
4 stars
Oct 9, 2024

i feel bad giving this book a 4, because its so well written, like donna tart's prose is just so good. she does an amazing job setting the scene and bringing you into this world. and like if you just love writing, this book is amazing to read just because of her talent with words, and how she crafts a story. the first half of the book is also amazing, the set up into what happens i was like :o, even though i knew it was going to happen. i was just like damn these people are really that awful huh.

this book is split up into two parts, and the second half can be a bit of a slog to read through at times, which is why i couldnt give it a 5. i would also be cautious recommending to friends because i can see how this might not be everyone's cup of tea.

Photo of River
River @riverdarling
5 stars
Sep 29, 2024

best book BEST BOOK

Photo of Michael Klepacki
Michael Klepacki@kleypack
5 stars
Sep 24, 2024

About halfway through reading this digitally via the library, I went out and bought it in paperback, because I knew it would be joining my all-time list.

Photo of Mitch McGonegal
Mitch McGonegal@mitch
4.5 stars
Sep 16, 2024

even though this kind of has a 200 page outro, wrapping up all the loose threads at about as slow a clip as you can imagine, every beat of it feels weighty and justified. such an unlikely page turner, genuinely one of the most intriguing character studies i’ve read.



Photo of tianna

I looked down at my hand and saw it was covered with blood, and worse than blood. Then Charles stepped forward and knelt at something at my feet, and I bent down, too, and saw that it was a man. He was dead. He was about forty years old and he had on a yellow plaid shirt-you know those woolen shirts they wear up here-and his neck was broken, and, unpleasant to say, his brains were all over his face. Really, I do not know how that happened. There was a dreadful mess. I was drenched in blood and there was even blood on my glasses.

Page 169
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Photo of tianna

Belief, and absolute surrender

Page 166
Photo of tianna

I wondered what it would be like to fall and break my head open on one of those bright rocks: a wicked crack, a sudden limpness, then veins of red marbling the glassy water.

Page 119
Photo of m.

The sun came suddenly from behind a rain cloud, flooding the room with glorious light that wavered on the walls like water. Camilla's face burst into glowing bloom. A terrible sweetnes boiled up in me. Everything, for a moment - miror, ceiling, floor - was unstable and radiant as a dream. I felt a fierce, nearly irresistible desire to seize Camilla by her bruised wrist, twist her arm behind her back until she cried out, throw her on my bed: strangle her, rape her, I don't know what. And then the cloud passed over the sun again, and the life went out of everything.

Page 546

what the hell richard, this such an unhealthy obsession, it’s not even like or love

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Photo of m.

Being and nothingness.

Page 473


Photo of m.

He hadn't seen it coming at all. He hadn't even understood. of the there wasn't time. Teetering back as if on the edge of the swimming pool: comic yodel, windmilling arms. Then the surprised nightmare of falling. Someone who didn't know there was such a thing in the world as Death; who couldn't believe it even when he saw it; had never dreamed it would come to him.

Page 473
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Photo of m.

We had been there only twenty minutes and I already felt like shooting myself.

Page 444

universal mood

Photo of tianna

(You want to know what Classics are?" said a drunk Dean of Admissions to me at a faculty party a couple of years ago. "I'll tell you what Classics are. Wars and homos.")

Page 55

wtf 😭

Photo of eri

consummatum est.

Page 276

"it is finished."

Photo of m.

‘She looks like a tough customer.’

‘She's from Hell,’ Charles said drunkenly.

‘Oh, she's not that bad,’ said Francis.

Page 390

about bunny’s mother.

Photo of m.

Henry took a sip of his tea. ‘How’, he said, ‘can I possibly make the Dean of Studies understand that there is a divinity in our midst?‘

Page 356

when you put your professor on a pedestal

Photo of biddy

Forgive me, for all the things I did but mostly for those I did not.

Photo of m.

Nihil sub sole novum

Page 333

´Nothing new under the sun’

Photo of m.

Tulips, I thought, staring at the jumble of letters before: Had the ancient Greeks known them under a different name, if they'd had tulips at all? The letter psi, in Greek, is shaped like a tulip. All of a sudden, in the dense alphabet forest of the page, little black tulips began to pop up in a quick, random pattern like falling raindrops.

Page 328


Photo of Angie

MAYBE (not for everyone but if you like dark academia)

Photo of m.

Some things are too terrible to grasp at once. Other things - naked, sputtering, indelible in their horror - are too terrible really ever grasp at all.

Page 312
Photo of m.

I don't know. A month or two before, I would have been appalled at the idea of any murder at all. But that Sunday afternoon, as I actually stood watching one, it seemed the easiest thing in the world. How quickly he fell; how soon it was over.

Page 311

this is so insane but at the same time i kinda get what richard is talking about there; about time and space and how some things that felt sooooo undoable and difficult are in the end so easy and quick to do.

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Photo of m.

Amor vincit omnia

Page 251

‘Love conquers all’

Photo of m.

Deprendi miserum est

Page 193

‘It is unfortunate to be caught’

Photo of m.

(…) I am nothing in my soul if not obsessive.

Page 30
Photo of Luoyi

Midori pulled away fromn me with a smile on her face. "OK, I’ll wait! I believe in you," she said. "'But when you take me, you take only me. And when you hold me in your arms, you think only about me. Is that clear?" "I understand exactly."

Page 284


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Photo of tianna

Trees are schizophrenic now and beginning to lose control, enraged with the shock of their fiery new colors. Someone--was it van Gogh?-said that orange is the color of insanity. Beauty is terror. We want to be devoured by it, to hide ourselves in that fire which refines us.

Page 42
Photo of Luoyi

He, in some senses, was the author of this drama and he had waited in the wings a long while for this moment, when he could step onto the stage and assume the role he'd written for himself: cool but friendly; hesitant; reticent with details; bright, but not as bright as he really was. He'd actually enjoyed talking to them, he told me.

Page 424
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Photo of Luoyi

I was surprised at his reaction. "So it was a brawl" he said, with childish delight. "How thrilling. Are you in love with her?" "I'm afraid I don't know her too well." He laughed. Dear me, you are being truthful today" he said, with remarkable perspicuity. "Life has got awfully dramatic all of a sudden, hasn't it? Just like a fiction....

Page 421

julian core

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