For Life Abundant

For Life Abundant Practical Theology, Theological Education, and Christian Ministry

"Bass and Dykstra have written extensively and collaboratively on Christian Practices, arguing that the what Christians have done faithfully over time constitutes a life-giving way of life, and that this living of Christianity is more primary to what it means to be Christian than doctrinal confession, that our confessions spring from faithful living rather than the other way around. This book contains numerous essays that take up the question of Christian Practices and ministry--the preparation of ministers, theological education, etc. in a post-Enlightenment understanding of the relationship of practice and head knowledge. Because the book is the result of a community conversation, it doesn't have a clear thesis, but it models its conviction that reflection on theology arises from community conversation around our life in discipleship together. An extremely helpful beginning to a conversation about ministry, practices of faith, clergy preparation, etc., as the time has come to integrate the kind of learning that comes in the classroom with the kind that only comes from living the faith with others"
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