Strong Poison

Strong Poison

Can Lord Peter Wimsey prove that Harriet Vane is not guilty of murder - or find the real poisoner in time to save her from the gallows? Impossible, it seems. The Crown's case is watertight. The police are adamant that the right person is on trial. The judge's summing-up is also clear. Harriet Vane is guilty of the killing her lover. And Harriet Vane shall hang. But the jury disagrees. 'She combined literary prose with powerful suspense, and it takes a rare talent to achieve that. A truly great storyteller.' Minette Walters
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Photo of Lucia Correa
Lucia Correa@lucec
5 stars
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Photo of Sonia Grgas
Sonia Grgas@sg911911
4 stars
Feb 23, 2024
Photo of Connor
Connor @cgbart
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Oct 5, 2022
Photo of Cindy Lieberman
Cindy Lieberman@chicindy
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Mar 26, 2022
Photo of Kali Olson
Kali Olson@kaliobooks
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Mar 9, 2022
Photo of Brigid Hogan
Brigid Hogan@br1gid
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Photo of Ryan B Harvey
Ryan B Harvey@codeanddata
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Jan 8, 2022
Photo of Alexandria Wilkie
Alexandria Wilkie@sandrylene
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Moray Lyle McIntosh@bookish_arcadia
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Andrew Sztehlo@sztehlocomics
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Photo of Anna Adams
Anna Adams@anna_adams_writer
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