Reach For Us

Reach For Us Your Cosmic Teachers and Friends

Your Cosmic Teachers and Friends Messages from teachers, ascended masters, and the space command explain the roles they play in bringing the divine plan to Earth now! Your cosmic teachers and friends are here for you! Who are they and what do they look like? Can you connect with them to learn your part in the cosmic plan? Dorothy Roeder channels messages from thirty-six cosmic beings, ascended masters, archangels, and the space command. Their teachings and inspiring guidance are vital to understanding their roles and yours in bringing the new age on Earth for humanity. Focusing on love, the following teachers offer assistance that permits us to experience ourselves as divine beings in the divine blueprint: Ashtar, Metatron, Sananda, Zeewin, Vywamus, Atlanto, Raphael, Celestial Light, Melchior, El Morya, Serapis Bey, Korton, Melchizedek, Sandalphon, Lord Maitreya, St. Germaine, Lenduce, Djwhal Khul, Helios, Rowena, Uriel, Soltaan, Adonis, Athena, Gabriel, Soltec, Quan Yin, Cosima, Averran, Nascia, Merista, Kuthumi, Sanat Kumara, Alazaro, Michael, and the Elohim
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