
This is my second time reading this book. I read it once before as a child out of encouragement by my father and because there was a movie soon to be coming out starring Martin Freeman. While I enjoyed the movie and the book along side the radio show which I now have on my computer, I must say that I think I prefer the radio show out of all three mediums. However, as this is a book review, I will review this on that alone.
The trials and tribulations of Arthur Dent are nothing short of ridiculous. While this is my second time reading through it and the jokes that I read years ago still stuck in my mind as I read it again, I found I still enjoyed the humor. Of course, I knew what was coming, having devoured the content in several forms of media, but it was still a good refresher. This is definitely not a book to approach as a serious example of science fiction literature. It’s definitely more of a comedy.
That being said, this book is also an iconic science fiction work and must be commended for it’s memorable aspects of the strange universe that it created. Babel fish, for instance, are a ridiculous work of art.
I would definitely recommend this book to you if you’re a fan of British comedies.