Lisa Gray, David Russell, Jed Herne, Alexander Smith, Janet Kuypers, Liam Spencer, Brian Looney, Bill Wolak, Allan Onik, ayaz nielsen, Bob Strother, Jack Moody, Carl Palmer, Down in Down in the Dirt, B. A. B A M, Barry Zabel, Bijit Sinha, David Sapp, Gregg Dotoli, Kim Buck
Random Thoughts
Down in the Dirt Magazine May-August 20127 Issue Collection Book

Random Thoughts Down in the Dirt Magazine May-August 20127 Issue Collection Book

"Random Thoughts" is a 2017 poetry and prose collection book from Scars Publications ( of the May through August 2017 issues of Down in the Dirt magazine ( Writers and artists in this issue collection book anthology include Alexander Smith, Alisha Mughal, Allan Onik, Amber Shoemake-Doughty, Andy Schenck, Anita G. Gorma, ayaz daryl nielsen, BAM, Barry Zabell, Ben Rasnic, Bhargab Chatterjee, Bijit Sinha, Bill Chuang, Bill Wolak, Bob Strother, Brent C. Green, Brian Looney, Brian Schulz, Carl Papa Palmer, Carlynn Grace Winters, Cassondra Windwalker, Chanelle Pina, Christine Jackson, D. Harrington Miller, David Lohrey, David Russell, David Sapp, DC Diamondopolous, Debbie L. Miller, Dennis Vannatta, Denny E. Marshall, Donal Mahoney, Doug Hawley, Drew Marshall, Duff Allen, E. Martin Pedersen, Edward Michael O'Durr Supranowicz, Eleanor Bennett, Elijah Deus, Fabrice Poussin, Garin Turner, Gary Greene, George W. Clever, Grace Michel, Greg Moglia, Greg Stidham, Gregg Dotoli, Heather Chandler, J. Ray Paradiso, J.G. Walker, Jack Moody, Jan Marquart, Janet Kupyers, Jed Herne, Jim Santore, Joe S. Holland, Jr., John D Robinson, John F. Buckley, Joseph Farley, Julia Bravo, Justin Hunter, Kait Gilleran, Kalen Rice, Karon Johnson, Kennisha Wright, Keren Green, Kim Buck, Kraig Gander , Kristyl Gravina, Kyle Hemmings, LaRue Cook , Liam Spencer, Lindsay Flanagan, Lisa Gray, Liz Posner, Mandie Hines, Manuel Alex Moya, Marc Carver, Marc McMaho, Marc McMahon, Mari Stachenfeld, Marsha Foss, Mary Claire Garcia , Michael Constantine McConnell, Michelle Stumph, Miguel Gardel, Norbert Kovacs, Pat Tyrer, Patricia Ljutic, Patricia Walkow, Perri Bryan, Rebecca Cowgill, Rebecca Cowgill , Richard Schnap, Robert Fabre, Roger G. Singer, Roger McKnight, Ruy Arango, S. R. Mearns, Steven Hicks, Sue Granzella, Tameka Jarmon, Tiana Edwards, Tony Ransom, Trey Hines, Tyler Wolfe, Wayne Franklin, Wayne R Franklin, Westley Heine, and Zachary Harris.
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