Why You Got All That Stuff: What You Can Do About Your Cluttered Lifestyle and Achieve Your Goals Anyway

Why You Got All That Stuff: What You Can Do About Your Cluttered Lifestyle and Achieve Your Goals Anyway

Look around at the room you're sitting in. If a fire broke out and you only had time to save one thing Ð what would it be? Why? What would you miss most from the stuff you couldn't save? Questions like this are important because we all have way too much stuff in our lives. There are movements called de-cluttering, and minimalism which deal with this a lot. Most people have a hard time with throwing out anything, or even giving it away. Ever wonder why? Deeper than that, why did you ever get that stuff to begin with? The answers to this came from an unlikely area. It wasn't psychology or some self-help book. It came from a study of the best marketers and advertisers of all time. And crossed this with how legends, myths, and modern films all have the same basic plot. These two together explain why we want what we want. And with all that stuff we buy, why we never achieve, acquire, or attain what we really want. Know this and achieve your personal success goals. Get Your Copy Now.
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