
Missy Zuber @mlz2883
Dr. Seuss classic.

Rebeca @rebecareads
5 stars This was great 10/10 would recommend. I'm pretty sure I read this when I was younger but I'm not too sure

I just love love love Dr,Seuss <333

Wren Hardwick@fablesandwren
Rhymes Rhymes Rhymes, My My My Dr. Seuss is a classic and a poet and... no, I'm not going to be that cliché. There wasn't much lesson with this one like some that he has, or purpose really. I think really he wanted to show kids that your imagination is important. Because obviously a lot of the things said are impossible, but the impossible is fun, you know? It is important to be impossible.

winter @airish


Ashley shackelford@ashlizshack

Danielle @daniellesreadinglife_17

Amrie Cruz@runawayrunt


Jo A@thecupofjo

Sarah Spurlock@scoobydew

Maurice FitzGerald@soraxtm


Julie Headrick@momof5kiddos

Dr Seth Jones@sdjones

Luca Masters@lkbm

Adriana Gómez @adri_r

Michael Springer@djinn-n-juice

Rhiannon Mansfield@rhiannon

Cat Josephson@themorrigan12

Lord Aragorn@lordaragorn

Olga A Velasquez @0000a

Leonie Netherton@onie