
Gabriela Roxana @shiftyreads
I liked this more than I should have. For the child in you-it's meant to warm up your heart.

winter @airish

Sarah Sammis@pussreboots

Maurice FitzGerald@soraxtm

Korinna R@plumpkin_x

Adriana Gómez @adri_r

Julia M@archionblu

Sarthak Choudhary@sarthak889

Aoife Cunningham@aoifecunningham7


Caitlin Couch@couch

Scribbler Johnny@scribblerjohnny

Sofia Collodel@sophiie91

Annalee Harris@lovelyannalee

Mayra Melo@mayramelo

Emma Kimbrough@emmae

Samantha T-E@samwisethepippin

Renee Delcourt@booksteaandchocolate

Jeni Enjaian@jenienjaian

Rebecca Ann Hatcher@moodreader

Cora Sicard@coralbooks

Zoe Smolen@booksatlunch

razan @razan412

Joshua Line@fictionjunky