
Cindy McKee@cindy-lou23
Xypher gets his second chance at life and wants to use it to exact his revenge on the person responsible for his torture in Tartarus. After all, he knows Hades will never truly release him, so why not take down the one who betrayed him in the first place? However, Xypher has no idea that he will meet his match in Simone. Kenyon just knocks it out of the park again.

oppps.. I forgot to mark this one as read. I read it in 2 days and I have to say this one is one of my favourites I have read in this series so far. I can't wait to read more.

Mina Filimonovic@mina77799

Jacqueline Wilson@wilssearch

Rhiannon Mansfield@rhiannon

Lydia Kopsa@nightwish054

Lover of Romance @addictedtoromance

Missy Zuber @mlz2883

Elizabeth Neill@beersbooksandboos

Amanda Kordeliski@akordeliski

Kaitlyn Bowlin@kattattackk

Thomas Houston@warvia

Sarina Sherman@sarina

Zhenya Zhelyazkova @elathanverin

valentina 🕯️@literarypapier

Estefany @thedarkestreader

NaTasna Jiggetts@booksnclean

Courtney Wise@courtneyw


Mireia @neftis
