Dreams of Gods & Monsters
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Dreams of Gods & Monsters

Laini Taylor2014
What power can bruise the sky? Two worlds are poised on the brink of a vicious war. By way of a staggering deception, Karou has taken control of the chimaera's rebellion and is intent on steering its course away from dead-end vengeance. The future rests on her. When the brutal angel emperor brings his army to the human world, Karou and Akiva are finally reunited--not in love, but in tentative alliance against their common enemy. It is a twisted version of their long-ago dream, and they begin to hope that it might forge a way forward for their people. And, perhaps, for themselves. But with even bigger threats on the horizon, are Karou and Akiva strong enough to stand among the gods and monsters? The New York Times bestselling Daughter of Smoke & Bone trilogy comes to a stunning conclusion as--from the streets of Rome to the caves of the Kirin and beyond--humans, chimaera, and seraphim strive, love, and die in an epic theater that transcends good and evil, right and wrong, friend and enemy.
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Photo of Monicap
4 stars
Apr 29, 2024

this book is my least favorite of the series. much of the first half felt unnecessary to me, and in the last portion, it felt like The story was changing direction without really having enough room to accomplish that change.

Photo of chloe rae
chloe rae@heychloerae
4 stars
Feb 14, 2024

4.5 I just…love Laini Taylor. I love her stories and her characters and her writing. I loved this series. There were some things in this last book that I would’ve changed; I kept feeling like we weren’t going to have enough time to wrap up everything she was doing, and I wanted certain things to play out a little differently. But overall, these books have become some of my favorites of all time. I already can’t wait to visit this world again in the future. What a gem of a series! P.S. I have never wanted blue hair more badly in my LIFE. Oh, and an angel soulmate.

Photo of Annika Arguemore
Annika Arguemore@arguemore
5 stars
Jan 14, 2024

Epic. Everything else was just so well-executed. I am more than satisfied, if not left wanting more.

Photo of fairuza hanun
fairuza hanun@silkcuttofu
3 stars
Jan 1, 2024

label me cruel or whatever, but for some reason, I'm not satisfied that this is a happy ending.

Photo of bella <3
bella <3@bellaheart
5 stars
Dec 18, 2023

okay i think this series is officially my favorite fantasy series ever. i just completely eat up laini taylor's writing. the way she made this incredible, high-fantasy world so digestible is really admirable. i really had no idea how she was going to wrap up this story without it feeling rushed because of how many things are introduced into this (last!!) book. but somehow, nothing felt rushed and everything felt satisfying. the characters are another strong point of the book. i loved everyone i was supposed to love and hated everyone i was supposed to hate. despite getting introduced to some new characters in this book, it felt like they had been with me for the entire series.

Photo of fris🐝
4 stars
Dec 15, 2023

I think of the three this is the weakest but I did like it; in theory I like the concept of an unfinished ending but in practice I think I am a bit sad I don’t get closure and I feel like it was a bit of a cop out. I really liked the part with Esther and also MIK AND ZUZANA!!!! SLAY!!!! and eliza was also a slay character!! I just think the ending of the major plot point was a little anticlimactic and that the way the book leaves off was a little unsatisfying, so that did make it go down in my ranks. I will also complain while I’m here that the writing was lovely but sometimes when prose is that flowery it can distract me from what’s actually happening plot-wise, as in it draws too much attention to itself, and i think in some scenes it was hard for me to focus on what was going on because there was so much description of things. but I loved this series, I ate it up; I loved the characters and the world laini taylor created, i have never read anything like it! I wish there was more!!!

Photo of Andrea Pais
Andrea Pais@moonmypassion
4 stars
Feb 19, 2023

I truly have no words to express how much I love this trilogy. Some details I would change in this last book but overall I believe this is one of the most amazing and fantastic stories I've ever read. A must read.

Photo of Maggie Berver
Maggie Berver@maggie_berver
4 stars
Feb 7, 2023

4.5, pero sólo porque la historia de Eliza me aburrió. Lo demás fue perfecto.

Photo of menna
4 stars
Jan 31, 2023

I finally finished this thank god rtc

Photo of Jamieson
3 stars
Jan 23, 2023

"People with secrets shouldn't make enemies. People with destinies shouldn't make plans." why can't I just have straight forward thoughts about books? because oh my god reading this series was such a roller coaster. You may remember I hated book one and gave it a two star rating. But then I loved book two and gave it a five star. So I already have mixed feelings on this series, but I expected to like book three a lot and I just ... didn't. look I think there's a problem when everything is solved over 100 pages before the ending of the book. And this book felt entirely too easy for the situation they were in. I felt like the entire build up and the suspense around the evil figure was kind of cheapened by how EASY this book was. So lets break it down. 🌙 characters and worldbuilding 🌙 One thing about this book (and this series) I cannot fault is the characters and worldbuilding. Lets get this major positive out the way first. the characters are so well fleshed out and loveable I adore all of them. I think Laini Taylor did such an excellent job at creating compelling heroes you want to root for, and villains you can sympathise with, and ultimately characters who's redemption you're 100% on board for. There is absolutely no black and white in this series which is so great ! because it allows all the characters to be explored so thoroughly and with so much nuance. And ultimately it led to my heart getting broken over and over (in a good way) by these characters and their development. I had no idea how attached I would become Akiva and Liraz and Ziri especially, but that Laini COULD get me to love them so much is a huge testament to this series. I also think the worldbuilding is incredibly well done and so interesting. The war between the Chimaera and the angels is so well fleshed out, and their different locations are beautiful and interesting. Aspects of the world like the way magic worked, the underground caves, the resurrection and the interaction between different worlds was, to me, endlessly fascinating and remained so even in this series low points. The wrap-up of the character arcs, the romance, and the character interactions were the things that I felt were done BEST in this book. 🌙 rising action and plot 🌙 So book two had a massive set up where was a plot twist and a half, a huge cliffhaner, and massive book three plot potential. I really feel like laini taylor didn't capitalise off of her massive set up I mean, when everything is wrapped up 100 pages before the end THAT IS AN ISSUE. Book three starts with this massive anticipatory moment, I'm expecting a big battle and an intense book but nothing really happens and that is a big problem. When the villain essentially goes away in one chapter, that's a problem. I don't do a two book set up full of rising action, full of setting up this big baddie, full of anticipation and looming doom just to have the villain done and dealt with in the span of 10 pages. It's a let down and it's BORING. And while I think it's interesting Laini Taylor took a new route in dealing with the villain, it wasn't interesting enough to abate my disappointment. 🌙 confusing extra stuff 🌙 Another issue I had with this was the random subplots thrown in toward the end I could have done .. without them. I think it just wasn't necessary and added so much confusion where there shouldn't been. The last 100 pages is to WRAP IT UP not to MAKE IT MORE COMPLICATED. I also think some plot lines were left a little hanging which was disappointing. 🌙 too happily ever after 🌙 I have an ISSUE with series ending and my issue is when there is no CONSEQUENCES. What is the point in establishing stakes, if there is no consequences? Sam from ThoughsOnTomes did a great video about series endings not following through on the stakes they set up and I agree SO MUCH. I feel like this book needed to like ... go further. It needed to do more. It needed to cut some losses and kill some darlings or SOMETHING. Like, if you're gonna set up this hundred year war and set up that it's the final battle and people are gonna die and no one's ever tried to defeat this villain and this is the most dangerous thing I expect that there's gonna be some ..... consequences? You can't just let everyone live happily ever after after the ending of the hundred year war battle. WHERE'S THE CATASTROPHE?? 🌙 in summary 🌙 For me this book was fine and it was enjoyable - especially character wise. BUT IT DIDN'T GO THERE SO IT WAS A LET DOWN. I felt for a 600+ page book .. not that much actually happened? and absolutely more time should have been dedicated to the villain and the war WE SPENT THREE BOOK PREPARING FOR But the character stuff was soo good and the romance did make my cold dead heart warm a little. So that definitely upped my enjoyment of this series. I think the arcs definitely had satisfying conclusions in this book which redeemed this book a lot in my eyes. Also, true to Laini Taylor style there was some fucking good plot twists. So for me this was a massive let down as a conclusion because it didn't take it far enough, and it felt like there was no consequences. But it was still not a total dumpfire thanks to the characters.

Photo of Micah
3 stars
Jan 3, 2023

While this book is longer than the others, the ending was still so rushed and there wasn't a lot of time to care about a lot of the new characters, especially in the second half of the book.

Photo of Brittany Reynolds
Brittany Reynolds @emptynight
5 stars
Jan 1, 2023

This book!! Read. It. Right. Now. That is all.

Photo of Leah | @LeahsLittlePleasures
Leah | @LeahsLittlePleasures@leahslittlepleasures
5 stars
Dec 4, 2022


TFW you finish a book and are so godsmacked over it, you simply sit quietly and hug it close for a bit. That was this book for me. And holy godstars, what an epically epic finale! 🙌🏻

This story got even bigger in book 3 and I loved the addition of Eliza’s character and the Stelians! I endlessly giggled with Zuze and Mik and my heart swooned, melted, sang, and flipped and dipped whenever Akiva and Karou were in the same vicinity. Holy slow burn, I love them. Truly the most beautiful love story. Akiva + Karou = OTP!!!

— an ancient war
— parallel universes
— other realms
— “the end” vibes (in the biblical sense)
— a hidden prophet
— secret angelic race
— an old magic re-emerges
— myths and prophecy

I really loved tandem reading with the audiobook and physical copy, too! The audio is definitely worth it.

Photo of Thais Souza Passos
Thais Souza Passos@thaayp
5 stars
Oct 22, 2022


Photo of Haley Murray
Haley Murray@fortunesdear
4 stars
Oct 4, 2022


Photo of Elisa Bieg
Elisa Bieg@bookishexpat
4 stars
Aug 26, 2022

4 1/2 STARS Finished. I took my sweet time on this one (a month!), which is really unlike me. But I really, really wanted to make this last as long as possible. Because this trilogy is extraordinary, and I was by no means ready to step out of this world. Besides, I was buddy-reading this and the best part of buddy reading is discussion, and there was so much to discuss! So I would stop and wait, in my zero-chill status, till my buddy and I could carve out some time to discuss specific sections in detail. Also, sometimes I just decided to set it down and wait because I knew that if I started reading I would just keep at it and devour it until no crumb nor page was left, and then I'd miss out on all the detailed discussions! But I digress. Let's get to the review, shall we? Let's just start with the simple truth: THIS TRILOGY IS ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE. - For starters, there is the writing, which is just wonderful. It is poignant, raw and truthful, but also lyrical — and yet not sappy! I have no idea how she does it, but she really pulls it off, and she wraps you in this mythical world — you see what they see and feel what they feel; and it's brutal, and scary, and amazing. - The chapter/section intros manage to create suspense and kind of make you want to melt, at the same time. “Once upon a time, an angel and a devil pressed their hands to their hearts and started the apocalypse.” - And let's talk about the characters. There are so many strong women, and sharp dialogue, and people who are imperfect, and relatable, and real; even if they have wings or horns, and you don't. Liraz was special. Specially antisocial. Spectacularly, even. *** The two of them were stoic and stone-faced and ten feet apart, currently not even looking at each other, but Zuzana had the impression of a pair of magnets pretending not to be magnets. Which, you know, only works until it doesn’t. *** There was some new quiet in her, but it didn't shrink or wilt her. Rather, it seemed to enlarge her. She was no mere weapon as she was trained to be, but a woman in full command of her power, unbowed and unbroken, and that was a dangerous thing. - And let's not forget that this story is really fun. “You are a conniving, deceitful hussy. I stand in awe." "You're sitting." "I sit in awe.” I think in this book, some will have trouble with the pacing; and I will admit that it was occasionally slightly maddening, but the thing is, there is ALWAYS something happening. It may not always be an action scene, like a battle, but things are never just dull. There will be a sense of impatience, yes, when you know something is coming, and you just want it to happen already! but that's what waiting feels like, in novels as in real life. And it isn't that time slows down, it's that the worry and anxiety of what's to come make time stretch and feel like it's lasting forever. But here more than in any other book, there is always something going on. When it isn't an actual battle between warriors or opposing armies, it's often an internal battle – the characters having to sort out stuff for themselves in the middle of everything else that is going on. (As if that never happens in real life!) And maybe we don't want to hear it, because we are so conditioned to ignore feelings and the need to establish inner balance, and society seems to expect us to always just push on and keep the ball rolling... but guess what, things need to be faced, in stories as in real life — people do need to find themselves and figure out their goals before they go out and fight nail and tooth for them. And this book captures that so well — albeit with fantastical creatures and in a fantasy battle —that constant lack of balance, the way things sometimes seem to just pile up, and how hard it is to carve out something positive, a bit of light to keep us going even in the worst of times. Happiness wasn't a mystical place to be reached or won--some bright terrain beyond the boundary of misery, a paradise waiting for them to find it--but something to carry doggedly with you through everything, as humble and ordinary as your gear and supplies. This book — in fact, this entire trilogy — is a fairy tale. It's enchanting, haunting, beautiful, and unforgettable. Its characters are us, and we are them — even though they may have blue hair, or wings or horns —they are magical and incredible, and yet so vivid, real, and relatable. Until now, I had not come across anything that inspired the passion, loyalty, and undying obsession that drives one to re-read a book on a regular basis. But the whole second half of this book, all I kept thinking was "I have to re-read this trilogy!" — before I was even done with my first read. Something tells me that I have found it, and this is the trilogy I will be grabbing off the shelf for a re-read, year after year, for many years to come; so they'd better keep the reprints coming, and have good covers for them!

Photo of Ayden
5 stars
Aug 25, 2022

The ending was perfect it didn't leave you in suspense but it also wasn't the end

Photo of Savannah Winchell
Savannah Winchell@savantagonist
3 stars
Aug 14, 2022

DoGaM by Laini Taylor 3.5 ⭐️ - this book could have been phenomenal if Taylor had just ended it. There are still like 150 pages left but every damn conflict is wrapped up. - I literally don’t think I care and that infuriates me bc I really loved this book otherwise - pls let me leave

Photo of Livia
5 stars
Aug 13, 2022

I am dead. Karou, please bring me back because Laini Taylor just killed me.

Photo of Thmaiden
4 stars
Aug 12, 2022

She writes so beautifully, it’s poetry to the soul. Now, can we maybe get a glimpse into how our loves go about their next adventures?!?!?

Photo of Sarahi Flores
Sarahi Flores@thrillerromance
5 stars
May 19, 2022

So this is it the third book of the series and I wished It didn’t have to end. I really loved it. I love how Karou had her friends helping her to the end and having some romance between her and Akiva. I miss them so much and of course I love reading about her friend, Zuzana ann Mik. and what can I say about Ziri? everything! he helped Karou and felt very happy he found someone when he was just stuck on Karou. The battle was not much of a story to be honest. In my opinion, the anticipation of the war was more longer than the war itself. but I still enjoyed the adventure they had. Even though there’s a huge gap between reading the first two and the third one, I still remember most of the story. And I’m very surprised to have known who is who lol. Can I also just say I love Karou and Akiva! I mean seriously I love their story and how they fell in love. I can’t remember if I cried or not when Karou was executed (first book). I just know I was moved and I was moved until the end. I give this book 5 stars. This is a fast book to be honest, the reading is quick and engaging with the creative world Taylor has created for her characters. Would recommend of course and I will also be definitely be reading her Taylor’s next series of a new story, Strange The Dreamer.

Photo of Emi Gilmore
Emi Gilmore @emimia
4 stars
Mar 22, 2022

Though this book series didn't blow me away as much as I thought it would, I throughly enjoyed reading all three books

Photo of Lucia silva
Lucia silva@lbsilva
5 stars
Mar 18, 2022

** spoiler alert ** BUENO. Finalmente lo terminé, empecé con todo y me quedé tildada cuando dejé el trabajo y ya no pude leerlo. ¿Que decir de este libro? Hubo momentos que me abrace a mi misma en posición fetal y lloré diciendo 'no, no, no' y luego me calmé y volví a leer. Altos y bajos TODO el maldito tiempo. Cuando ya estabas feliz, volvías a llorar como si no existiera un mañana. ¿Que pienso del libro? Una de las cosas que más pienso y creo, es que Laini es una idola. No sólo es una persona sumamente graciosa, ORIGINAL y divertida sino que es una increíble escritora y claramente mi favorita actualmente, dejando atrás a Lauren Oliver. Este libro lo tiene todo. Acción, dolor, romance y mucho, pastel, guerras, momentos WTF, muchos problemas y pasteles para todos y como estilo de vida. En este libro el protagonista claramente fue Akiva, con sus problemas y su 'herencia'. Karou queda bastante atrás y creo que queda muy abajo DE TODOS LOS PERSONAJES. A veces hasta Zusanne (asi era?) y Mik le ganan a Karou que queda terriblemente como tercera en la historia cuano solia ser laprincipal :/ en los dos primeros lo fue y en este... la verdad se hizo desear. Hubo mucho 'ya van a estar juntos pero OLEEEE, no. la proxima' y sicneramente a veces aburría. La autora le daba mucha vuelta al final feliz entre ellos dos que como saben me gusta muchisimo.Muchas veces pataleaba emocionadisima en el trabajo mientras leía. Lo que odié. ODIE. Fue la historia de Eliza. Mepareció que estuvo bien puesta al final pero al principio es completamente INNECESARIA y aburría al lector al punto de querer dejar de leer. A mi me dieron ganas de lanzar todo y saltear las hojas,porque sinceramente era un aburrimiento terrible y un pj sumamente denso. Insoportable, lo odié, no lo niego. Me encantó ZIRI Y Liraz, me encantó esta mujer que increíble puede ser. CUANDO DICE QUE LE CANTO EN EL RIO. Que hermoso es Ziri, me encanta que hayan podido estar juntos porque se lo merecían (:Sinceramente. El finalme pareció creíble y a pesar de que quería guerra, sangre y problemas, me pareció un final creíble por completo y no me quejé. LO QUE SI ME PARECIO TERRIBLEMENTE DEMÁS. Era el tema de Akiva y su abuela. Fue aburrido, como un anexo de algo que no valía la pena de leer y la verdad es que me dio bronca leerlo. Era una NUEVA roca en elcamino que le ponía la autora y me puso de mal humor. LIKE REALLY BITCH REALLY? Pero me pareció muy lindo el tema que no era un final, era un medio final. (: me gustó y me pone feliz haber terminado con este libro. lloré muchisimo, admito que lloré mucho. Se me caían las lágrimas y me puso muy feliz haber terminado con esta saga que tanto causó en mi (: Laini es una idola, ahora le voy a llorar al twitter again como la otra vez y me dijo que su trabajo era hacerme sufrir ;_;

Photo of baelgia
5 stars
Mar 12, 2022

Go read it/5


Photo of Kimmy Hobden
Kimmy Hobden@kimmyhobden

Ecstasy and servitude. Morgan laughed, because that pretty well summed up what he wanted in a girlfriend.

Page 389

this man makes me want to barf

Photo of Shay Lynn Crace
Shay Lynn Crace@shalien

“We have so many enemies, Lisseth,” said Karou, keeping her voice light. “Most of them are our birthright, inherited like a duty, but the ones we make for ourselves are special. We should choose them with care.”

Photo of Shay Lynn Crace
Shay Lynn Crace@shalien

The two of them were stoic and stone-faced and ten feet apart, currently not even looking at each other, but Zuzana had the impression of a pair of magnets pretending not to be magnets. Which, you know, only works until it doesn’t.

Photo of Shay Lynn Crace
Shay Lynn Crace@shalien

Once upon a time, an angel and a devil pressed their hands to their hearts and started the apocalypse.