
X-Men Second coming revelations

Fighting for the future of mutantkind, the X-Men are locked in a battle with Bastion. When Magik is gravely injured in battle, she instinctively flees to the sanctuary of Limbo - only to fall into the clutches of a long-time adversary hoping to wrest the powerful Soulsword - and control of Limbo - from her grasp. Now a small team of X-Men venture in after her, but they are met only by unexpected peril.
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Photo of Dimitris Papastergiou
Dimitris Papastergiou@s4murai
3 stars
Jul 1, 2023
Photo of Ahmed Bakr
Ahmed Bakr@abakr92
4 stars
Sep 1, 2022
Photo of R. N. H.
R. N. H.@sweetroll
1 star
Feb 24, 2022
Photo of André Nóbrega
André Nóbrega@anobrega85
3 stars
Nov 13, 2021

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