The Magic of Pomegranates for Health and Beauty

The Magic of Pomegranates for Health and Beauty

The Magic of Pomegranates For Health and Beauty Table of contents Introduction Pomegranates for Beauty and Skincare Pomegranate peels for beauty Rose water Wrinkles Pimples Patchy skin - leukoderma Pomegranates for curing ailments and diseases Cure for obesity Insomnia Pomegranate peel Tooth powder Edema Joint Pain Tummy Aches Pomegranate Digestive Special Powder Diminished digestive capacity The Spicy Pomegranate Special Indigestion Acidity Diarrhea Gastric Problems Nausea Pomegranate digestive chutney Constipation Using Copper Utensils Sugarcane juice remedy Excess of Salivation Hot foods Suffering from a sore throat Nosebleed Pomegranate sherbet Urinary problems Bed-wetting Pomegranate dates chutney Conclusion Author Bio Introduction In this book of our Magic Series, the author is proud to bring pomegranates to the readers' notice. Since ancient times, pomegranates have been an integral part of ancient medicine and natural remedies. Pomegranates have been called the Poor man's doctor, because since ancient times, man has been curing himself with spices, fruits, herbs and nuts. That is why people of the 21st century are coming back to nature and looking for natural remedies, which are going to cure them of diseases and ailments. Chemical-based drugs may heal you very well on a short-term basis, but they are going to have an everlasting long-term effect on your body. On the other hand, fruits and vegetables as well as herbs are going to heal your body naturally, while making sure that you do not suffer from any sort of side effects. This is the reason why the magic series are going to tell you all about the wonderful medical and beauty enhancing benefits of different herbs, spices, fruit, vegetables and flowers. Ancient medical treatises in Egypt and Persia consider pomegranates to be a powerhouse of good health. That is because they thought that this fruit could cure people of many ills. The Latin name for pomegranate is Punica granatum. One wonders whether the Romans fought the Punic wars with Carthage, to rule over lands where they could get pomegranates, because after all, everybody knows that the Roman emperors ransomed Kings for black pepper, exotic fruit and other spices. According to ancient treatises, the pomegranate had the power to purify your blood, which would mean that your skin would not suffer from any sort of skin ailments, including pimples or boils. Also, when I was talking about pomegranates, with an ancient naturopath, he told me that sages of ancient time used to use pomegranate seeds to enhance brain power and vision, get rid of odema, renew the mineral resources needed for keeping our body working properly and reduce urinary inconsistency. In fact, he handed me some pomegranate seeds, mixed up with rock salt, to make me feel hungry. [I had lost my appetite, because of illness and also due to stress.] He said that that activated the stomach and made it do its job properly and naturally. It worked. So if you have a continuous access to pomegranates, lucky, lucky you! The pomegranate peels are going to keep you beautiful. The pomegranate seeds' juice is going to keep you healthy, both externally and internally.
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