Parent/Child Conflicts - Psychological, Time-Tested Advice for Parents

Parent/Child Conflicts - Psychological, Time-Tested Advice for Parents

Table of Contents Parent/Child Conflicts Psychological, Time-Tested Advice for Parents Introduction Children being taught to expect too much… Bargaining Counters… What Happens When Parents Are Not Responsible This is not so important… Why Have You Done This? Conclusion Author Bio Publisher Introduction A couple of days ago I wrote a book on things you never told your child, because psychologists told you they were not acceptable in today’s social and cultural milieu. I began to think that it was necessary for a psychologist on an Internet site, with a number of alphabets behind his name and a doctor’s label in front had to go into the ether in order to give you advice and make you believe something which was supposed to be self-evident? That is what man has been reduced to; he has absolutely no confidence in his own decision, instinct, common sense, and power to understand what is best for his child. This started in the 1960s, when Dr. Spock, a man and definitely not a mother came up with some ideas about how children had to be reared. He had some definite theories. He had some scientific ideas in his mind. He had seen how his wife brought up their children, and had adapted a whole series of chapters to how children should be fed, put to bed, entertained, and according to him what worked for his kids would work for kids globally. And the popular press believed him and so did the critics. And thus a whole continent followed his child rearing and parenting ideas for the next 50 years, until the Internet came into prominence, and a number of Dr. Spock’s successors appeared on sides to tell a parent how, when, where, why, and wherefore, a child could be reared according to their own experimental theories of 21st-century parenting.
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