The Healing Power of Fruit - Using Fruit to Cure Yourself Naturally

The Healing Power of Fruit - Using Fruit to Cure Yourself Naturally

Table of Contents Introduction Benefiting Tips for Fruit Fruit in Its Natural State Detoxification Diet Fruit as Food Substitution Healing through Fruit Lemons As a Pimple Cure Nausea and Giddiness Stomachaches Lemon for Weight Loss Bananas Angina Bananas for Weight Gain Acidity Bananas for Stomach Ailments Pineapples Dyspepsia Edema Incontinence Grapes Epilepsy Cure Dry Cough Lung Infections Boils and Carbuncles Apples Chronic Headaches Excessive Thirst Mental Fatigue Pomegranates Pomegranates for Your Teeth Urinary Infections Jaundice Conclusion Author Bio Publisher Introduction In ancient times, it was said that the Wise men were very careful about their diets. They ate meat very rarely. However, their diet was totally made up of roots, spices, nuts, vegetables and fruit. According to their knowledge, this was the way in which they could ensure good health, absence of diseases and also promote longevity. Nevertheless, it is a sad thing that in the 21st century, not many of us know how to eat fruit properly. Yes, there is a method of eating fruit in order to gain the proper benefits of fruit. In ancient times, people also knew the rules went to eat fruit in which season and under what circumstances and in which amounts. That was to prevent people from gorging on fruit. This was a natural reaction, especially when they were extremely hungry and suddenly found themselves confronted with trees and trees of fruit ready to be picked and eaten. In ancient times, it was said that any fruit which belonged to one particular season had to be eaten in that season itself. That was because nature had made it to benefit the human body, only in that season. That is why seasonal fruits in tropical areas like mangoes, melons, guavas, and cantaloupes grew only in the summer so that they could provide human beings with refreshment as well as plenty of water content which they needed in the summer.
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