The Telastrian Song

The Telastrian Song Society of the Sword Volume 3

The final part of the Society of the Sword Trilogy. A remote farm and meagre crops are a far cry from Ostenheim and the life of a banneret, but they are not far enough. For Soren to be free of Amero, there is only one answer. In Ostenheim, Duke Amero presides over a war-weary population and an empty treasury, but still he hungers for more. An Intelligencier uncovers the disturbing resurgence of sorcery in the city, while an avaricious colleague sees the chance to prove his worth to the Duke. Enemies and allies emerge from unexpected places, as Soren must face his former patron and idol for a final reckoning. The Telastrian Song follows The Huntsman's Amulet and is the concluding part of the Society of the Sword Trilogy.
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Photo of Andy
5 stars
Mar 18, 2023