
I'm torn on this review. On one hand, there's nice historical references for the tension between Britain and India during this time period. the writing is fantastic and really does paint clear pictures of what's being talked about. Unfortunately, on the other, not a lot....actually happens. The prose is great, the setting compelling, but not much else. There's little going on here beyond a very pretty setting involving very pretty characters in a very tense environment. That said, I think I'm going to give it another try next year as a re-read. I really did enjoy the writing style, just not necessarily the substance, or lack thereof.

Excellently written novel. The story progresses wonderfully. The story is a wonderful exploration of intercultural friendships and acquaintances. I would definitely recommend this novel!!

oh my god getting through this book was exhausting. it was interesting as an early criticism of imperialism—keeping in mind that i should not be reading this through a 2018 worldview but one a hundred years old. like, i know the postcolonialists have probably torn this book apart but frankly i’m too tired to go in depth on criticism right now. i would have liked more time to read and think about it but alas, school reading, so i’m just gonna brand it with a 3 stars and go to bed

2.5 Stars Wow, I started this book and realised it fitted perfectly with my August #readingwithmuffy reading prompt. Set in the fictional city of Chandrapore against the backdrop of the British Raj and the Indian independence movement in the 1920s, there is a lot of very imperialist systemic racism in this book. However, one of the main characters is really against it, which warms my heart as it seems really unexpected for the time period. This book is a very character driven book and doesn't really have much plot. It isn't really my type of book, but I did find it intriguing. Yet, I just got so bored toward the end. I just felt like it would never be finished.